58. That was hot!

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Another 15 days went on and I did warn all the managers not to burden any single intern and to make sure to divide the work among them equally. I would have warned that particular manager directly, but then it would have been portrayed wrong and I don't want anyone to badmouth my Jaan, saying she is being favored by me. It would be different if I had announced who she was to me but then again it would be unfair to other interns if she gets special treatment for being my fiancee.

"Bhai!" Abhi's voice broke my trance and I looked at him with a questioning gaze. He was covered in sweat and was panting hard. He just returned from a jog.

"We are planning to take bhabi out after office today. Will you join us? It's a surprise for bhabi maa." He informed and I nodded in positive. After that, he left to freshen up while I continued analyzing the financial reports.

We reached the office and an important presentation to sign a deal was lined up for the evening. Chaitra smiled at me as soon as our eyes met and I returned along with a wink. She shook her head with a blush coating her cheeks making my heart feel warm.

The day passed in a blur after that with all of us doing our respective works. We had lunch together and then went back to work. It was time for the meeting and I, along with a few other higher officials moved to the conference room where the presentation would take place.

I was surprised to see Dev in the conference room. It turns out the company whom we were going to tie up belongs to Ishika Bhabi's family and Dev is going to represent her dad today as he was unwell and Bhabi's brother was out of the country. It felt good to see him taking up the responsibilities of his in-laws when required. I mean women always do that. They give love and priority to their in-laws so why not men? If Chaitra is going to tend to my family like a daughter, I should also become a son to her's, right?

"Shall we start, sir?" I heard a voice and nodded at him to start the presentation as I resumed my seat near Dev. We both shared a smile and shook hands at which Chaithu would definitely smack our heads if she knew.

"We better not tell her how we greeted each other," Dev leaned to whisper and I nodded at him agreeing with him.

The presentation was going on when we heard a knock but it felt like someone tapped the door with their heel instead of knocking. Before I could retort to that person Chaitra walked in carrying a tray with six coffee cups arranged on it. I and Dev shared a confused look before turning our attention to her.

She placed a coffee in front of me and the other in front of Dev. Then she placed the cups in front of Papa, Rohan, Di, and Chachu. They were all having the same reaction as me and Dev. Why would she come here to serve us coffee instead of working?

"Why are you serving coffee, Chaithra?" Papa asked her confusion evident on his face.

"I just felt like making coffee, sir. I thought of serving you all." She replied with a small smile. Why is she lying? It's evident on her face that she was lying.

"She's lying," Dev bhai mutters to me while his fists clench the armrest of the chair in anger. I am equally pissed seeing her serve coffee in the office. At home, if she does that, it would be her affection towards the family. It would be okay even if she did that when we were in the cabin but here in the conference room, it's not her thing to do. We have people to do that. Why the hell is she doing that and is lying on top of that? The Pune served coffee to the rest of the people.

"Can I stay back for a while?" She asks, looking at me and I nod at her absentmindedly.

"Shift," I order the man beside me and he immediately changes to the other empty seat while I move to his seat allowing Chaitra to sit between me and her brother. She takes the seat and a smirk makes its way to her lips when looking at the woman presenting. What's going on here?

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