Chapter 4: Learning The Dangers

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You and Catnap gave each other a big hug. You knew what he said was true, you barely spent any time with him yet, but you knew this was meant to be. It was late, so you both decided to get some sleep. You had to sleep in the awful, dirty, broken beds in Home Sweet Home, so you knew you were in for a long night. Catnap walked in and said, "Don't worry, I'll sleep with you," and you were puzzled. "How are you supposed to fit on this tiny bed? I literally take up all of the space on it," you said. Then, you looked at Catnap, and you saw that he suddenly shrieked from his tall, lanky form, to a tiny plush. "That's how," he answered. So, you and Catnap slept on the same bed, which helped you get a bit more sleep.

You both woke up, and you jumped out of bed while Catnap eagerly followed along. You told Catnap you were gonna go explore around. After all, you still didn't see the playhouse or the school. But Catnap was hesitant to let you do that. "NO! DON'T," he yelled, concerned. "Why not? A little exploring doesn't hurt," you reasoned. "I just... it's dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt. All the places around here are dangerous, especially that god awful playhouse," Catnap said in a sorrowful tone. "I'll be fine, Catnap. You know what? I'll make you a promise. Anything happens, down to the littlest of possibilities, I'll get out of the building immediately and head back here to you. Sound good?" You asked. "Alright, alright. I just want you to be safe. I trust you." Catnap sweetly answered.

You decided to enter the school first, seemed oddly friendly on the outside. On the inside, though, when you walked through those front doors, didn't seem very welcoming. There were tons of chairs fallen on the floor, and tables piled on top of each other. Turns out, if you wanted to explore further, you would have to get some batteries and solve some puzzles. Luckily, you had just the tool for that, your GrabPack. After getting some batteries and using your green hand, you powered up a door that you could now open. You open the door to go into a room, and it looked like a computer room of some sort. There was quite a few blood stains on the floor and on the tables. But then, someone started to talk on the speakerphone. "Hey! You! Wait.. you look familiar.. I remember you! You used to work here, haha! You should leave. For your own safety!" Her warning frightened you.

You continued moving forward, and got into another room. The same woman from before started to speak again. "Not a very good listener, are you?! Wait.. you're.. you're a human! Hahaha! AHAHAHAHA! I WONDER IF YOUR SCREAMS WILL SOUND LIKE THEIRS TOO! I look forward to finding out,"  she finished. "Was that a threat?" You thought. You continued looking around and found a generator. You remembered you needed a battery to open a gate. You thought that this generator just might be the solution to that. You had to use your blue hand, which you haven't used in a while. You got the generator working, but then the lights went out. "I think I broke it," you thought. The lights were flickering, and in the blink of an eye, you saw something in a dress. It looked like a teacher, but it's gums were showing as it's skin on its face had decayed off. It looked disgusting. 

The teacher aggressively hit the generator, causing a battery to fly out. You quickly grabbed the battery and dashed to the gate. You plugged in the battery, and sprinted through the gate. You've never ran this fast before. You knew that if that thing caught up to you, you were done for. That was it. You would be dead. There was another gate, but you quickly figured out how to open it before the teacher could reach you. There was more gates. It seemed endless. You remembered Catnap's warning. "I should've listened to him," you thought. You made your way into a huge room. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ALL OF THIS WHEN I HAVE A PSYCHOTIC TOY TEACHER TRYING TO MURDER ME!?" You yelled out of pure anger and fear. The teacher quickly caught up to you. You thought this was the end. You just turned to her and accepted your fate. But.. she wasn't moving. She was as still as a rock. Then, it made sense. She only moves when you look away from her.

With your newfound knowledge, you took your time and was also careful. Very careful. Finally, you opened the next door. It was a long hallway. The anticipation to get to the end was dreadful. Luckily, your wish came true. When you reached the end of the hallway, there was a lever to close the gate behind you. You grabbed the lever with your GrabPack's blue hand. The lever was jammed, it was slowly going down, but you had to use a lot of force. "COME ON, COME ON! CLOSE STUPID DOOR!" You yelled in desperation. Finally, you pulled the lever fully. The teacher attempted to speed up and slide under the gate while it was closing, but the gate was just able to crush the teacher, killing her. "TAKE THAT!" You yelled with confidence. But then, you looked up, and saw Catnap standing behind you.

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