Chapter 13: Peace At Last

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The banging finally stopped. You thought that whatever was causing the banging noises finally gave up. Just then as the situation seemed hopeless, you saw Catnap pound through the wall and leap in to save you. "Catnap! You're here! Okay, quick, there's no time. I need you to help me get outta here before the Prototype comes back, he's gonna be here any second now," you panicked. Catnap broke the chains you were trapped in with ease, and you were freed. "Thank you, love. Thank you so, so much. I never knew you cared about me this much," you said to Catnap. "Anytime. Save all of the sweet and wholesome stuff for later though, I've got a plan," Catnap said. "A plan? What do you have in mind," you questioned. "It's a little hard to explain. Just see for yourself, I'm sure you'll get it. We need to execute this plan quickly, though," Catnap explained. Just as you were about to reply, you both saw the Prototype standing in front of both of you. Just then, Catnap quickly sat you on top of him and broke out of the Playhouse. You were literally riding him like a horse. "I think we lost him," Catnap said. "Cool. What do we do now," you asked Catnap. "We find the cable car you arrived here in," Catnap answered. "The cable car? Why would we need to look for that," you asked Catnap. "Look, this sounds stupid, but I think I know a way for both of us to be able to leave," Catnap said. "I mean, I never really thought of that possibility, honestly. I'm open for anything, though," you said in approval. "Alright, then it's settled. This is what we're gonna do," Catnap said. You nodded, which told Catnap that you agreed to this.

You and Catnap made your way to the cable car. "Catnap, how are you supposed to get into this cable car? You're too big," you questioned. Catnap then jumped on top of the cable car. "Well, that's one way to do it," you said. "WAIT," someone yelled. It was DogDay. The Prototype was slowly walking towards him from behind. "Let me leave with you, please," DogDay said. "DogDay... I don't know if we can let you in, all three of us in this cable car might be too much weight," Catnap said. "Please! I beg you," DogDay pleaded. "Alright, fine," you and Catnap said at the same time. DogDay entered the cable car, and the Prototype lunged at the cable car mere seconds before it took off. The cable car left just in time, and the Prototype fell into the abyss. "Well, I guess the Prototype is gone," you said. The cable car was about to reach the exit, and Catnap jumped over to it while he waited for the cable car to stop so you and DogDay could get out. Just as Catnap landed from his leap, the cable car came to an abrupt stop. It broke, and it was loosening each second. It was going to fall soon. "CATNAP," DogDay yelled. "DogDay, WE NEED TO JUMP," you said in a serious tone. "We can't make that jump, Y/N," DogDay said. "We have no choice," you said. Without thinking, you picked up DogDay and you made a leap of faith. You just barely made it, hanging on to the edge of the floor. Catnap grabbed your hand, and you grabbed DogDay's hand before he fell. Catnap helped you and DogDay climb up, and you guys ran through the exit.

The exit led you and the others into the game station, and you guys were slowly getting closer to leaving Playtime Co. for good. Luckily, you killed Mommy Long Legs, so you didn't have to worry about her. You, Catnap, and DogDay left the game station and you were coming towards the exit of the factory. You all exited the game station, and you were coming towards the Playtime Co. exit. You, DogDay, and Catnap could finally get out once and for all. Just as you guys were almost there, Huggy Wuggy grabbed Catnap by the neck. "NO! LET HIM GO," you screamed. DogDay ran and scratched Huggy, making him drop Catnap. Catnap ran over to you. "BOTH OF YOU! GO! RUN! GET OUT," DogDay yelled. "BUT I THOUGHT WE WOULD GO TOGETHER," you yelled in response. "THERE ISN'T TIME TO WORRY ABOUT ME! JUST GO, MY FATE HAS BEEN SEALED ALREADY! I'LL STAY HERE AND DISTRACT HUGGY! BOTH OF YOU NEED THIS MORE THAN ME! NOW GO," DogDay yelled. You and Catnap ran out of the doors. You and Catnap were watching the fight between DogDay and Huggy through the windows, and it wasn't looking good. DogDay was struggling. He was struggling a lot. And then, it happened. DogDay got crushed. Huggy crushed him. He was dead.

"NO," Catnap yelled. Huggy heard Catnap, and broke through the doors. You and Catnap were sprinting while Huggy followed closely behind you two. You both came to a dead end. The only exits were two split vents. "We need to split up. That other vent is bigger, so you can fit inside. I'll go into this one," you said. You and Catnap split up as you both went through the separate vents. Huggy chased Catnap while you were running through yours, trying to get out as soon as possible. Huggy was struggling to catch up to Catnap. Huggy was gaining on him, but very slowly doing so. You reached the end of the vent, and saw that both of the vents actually led to the same room, so you waited for Catnap to get out of the other vent that he was in. You could eventually see his shadow getting close to the end of the vent. Catnap made it out just in time. Huggy kept running towards you guys, but then, the vent door shut on him, and decapitated him as a result. You and Catnap could see the front doors. They led outside, but they were locked. Catnap used his strong and big paws to break the glass. The glass did give you a cut, but you didn't care. You just wanted to get out.

You and Catnap finally exited Playtime Co. and you were both standing on the street in the middle of nowhere. You saw your car outside that you used to get here. "Wow... it's been so long since I was out here. The air is so... fresh. Feels nice to be out here again," Catnap said. "Yeah. It can be really pretty sometimes. But I'm just glad we made it out of there alive," you said. "But DogDay, he... " Catnap stuttered as he spoke. "Hey, hey, it's alright. He did what he needed to do. And he's probably way happier up there in the sky than he is in Playcare," you pampered Catnap. "Yeah... yeah, you're right," Catnap said. His voice sounded more enthusiastic than previously. You had cheered him up, and you were happy about it. Not only that, but both of your sufferings were now finally, after all of this time, over. You guys could finally have peace and live together. You or Catnap didn't have to worry about the Prototype, Huggy Wuggy, or any of the other murderous toys in the Playtime Co. factory. You both now had time to yourselves. You guys could finally have a proper relationship, bond, and most importantly...

Love each other.

Warm Fur Under The Hostility (Catnap X reader)Where stories live. Discover now