06: Stats, Skills and Talents

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[HP: 500/500]
[DP: 200/200]
[SP: 50/50]
[STA: 500/500]

[STR: 35] [INT: 30]
[P.DEF: 25] [WIS: 20]
[M.DEF: 25] [LUCK: 5]
[DEX: 30] [CHARISMA: 40]


[Demonic Fear: Lv 1] [Consume 10 DP]
[Inflicting fear on the enemies in a 100-meter radius up to thousands of kilometers depending on the skill's level. Lowering the enemies' Physical Defense and Magic Defense by 5%]

[Tantalize: Lv 1] [Consume 15 DP]
[Alluring a single target to be enslaved by you by 5% chance after he/she is defeated in the battle, courtship, and many other forms of fighting or duel.]

[Abyss Walk: Lv 1] [Consume 5 DP]
[With your connection to the abyss, it is possible for you to walk in the shadow, teleporting to another location, and conceal your presence for a set amount of time. The longer the distance and time, the greater the DP Consumption Rate.]

[Demonic's Embrace: Lv 1] [Consume 50 DP]
[Summoning the Hands of the Abyss on the battlefield in 10 meters AoE. The radius will be upgraded by 10 meters on each level up]

[Blood Rite: Lv 1] [Consume 25 DP]
[Sacrifice your blood and splatter it upon the blood of the defeated enemies on the battlefield to obtain more bonus EXP]


[Demonic Martial Arts: Lv Max]
[Your innate talent as a Higher Demon allows you to learn many forms of Martial Arts at once. Either weapon-based combat or CQC-Hand hand combat]

[Demonic Dual-Cultivation: Body Refining Stage]
[Allow you to absorb Yin Qi Energy from your female 'bed partner(s)' to further increase your Cultivation Stage. Each Cultivation Stage Breakthrough will grant you 100 Bonus Stats Points aside from your basic level-up Stats Points.]

[Golem Creator: Raid/War Event]
[Reanimate fallen living beings on the battlefield to be added to your loyal collection. Each reanimated object consumes 4 DP. Cooldown: 5 Minutes per 5 reanimated objects]

[Sea of The Abyss]
[As the Emperor Demon Venerable, you can summon the portal to the netherworld to store your Golem Soldiers, artifacts, weapons, and medicines, even yourself to recuperate after a battle, inside this Spatial Dimension Realm and you can summon them at will. No Time and Storage Limitation]

[Boss Area Taming Talent]
[With all the skills granted to you, there's a possibility of taming the Boss Area after you have defeated them without killing them.]

[Many talents will be added to the list along with your journey and what makes you interested to learn about.]

Wang Jun couldn't stop smiling and grinning upon reading his stats, skills and talents. To put it shortly, his character was ultimately broken and out of the chart by any means.

However, the low-luck stats intrigued him the most. Maybe due to his character role as a villain?

Shortly after, the memories from 500 Years ago resurfaced in his mind.

Wang Jun saw the horrifying Great War that almost wiped out the entire world. He was defeated by someone, a self-proclaimed hero, who had a stupid amount of LUCK points, protected and blessed by many Gods and Angels, and even by thick, stupid, plot armors which were written by the previous scriptwriters during the Beta Test of the game.

Wang Jun was enraged beyond measure as he acknowledged the previous downfall of this Character, Emperor Ya Sè, Demon Venerable. If he's allowed, Wang Jun shall kill the previous scriptwriters in the real world, period.

"Bloody hell... I need to work extra hard and smarter if I want to survive and thrive in this world filled with insanity."

Alas, after a good half an hour fidgeting with the transparent bluish screens, Wang Jun arose from his position and began to explore this, ransacked a good-for-nothing castle with no roof above his head.

Everything that was made from wood and many flammable materials was either charred or turned into ashes and dust. The metal full-body armor which was placed as the decorations was half melted and bent.

500 years ago, this castle was brimming with life, every living being from many races and species lived in harmony and pledged their servitude and feistiness towards their liege, Emperor Ya Sè Demon Venerable. Elves, Dwarves, Fae, Demi-Humans, Wraiths, Spirits, you name it.

Wang Jun was deeply awed by Emperor Ya Sè's personality and charisma, but the script made him blinded by rage due to the death of his beloved wife and his heart ended up corrupted by insanity. His reign came to an end, once he waged the war with the whole world, instead controlling them from behind the shadow while amassing more power and getting stronger.

Although Wang Jun shared the same sentiment, he won't tread the same path as the previous owner of this body. He will stay true to himself, and shall not be wavered by anything.

Thus he set his long-term goal: becoming the strongest and completing this game, even if it would take years to complete the game in the real world timeline.

"Right... First thing first, let's get started and see what this game has to offer!"

Wang Jun scrolled down the map to see the destination point which is usually added on the map to give a hint for the player where to go.

Unfortunately, there are none, only a few names of small, nearby places beyond the forest that surrounded the castle.

Starto Village, Herb Village, and Lumberjack Encampment.

"Eh... this game is truly unscripted at best, so I can do anything I want?" Wang Jun scratched his chin, looking at the haggard castle he was in.

"Alright! I will make this place a Home. All in all, it was a luxury in its own right to have a property you can work with."

With that settled in his mind, Wang Jun decided to go to the Lumberjack Encampment to see if there was someone who can help him with the castle's restoration project.

Before long, Wang Jun had arrived at the Lumberjack Encampment after using his Shadow Walk a few times to shorten the travel times. It exhausted his DP for good, but it was worth it rather than walking for hours.

Surprisingly, so many players had logged in and were doing their Quest in this encampment. Little did Wang Jun know, that Virtual Insanity had launched worldwide and was able to amass 3 million players in less than an hour after launching!

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