16. Radio Killed the Video Star - 6

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I sigh calmly while walking down the main stairs, listening to some conversation coming from the main area. Nearing the place, I see Angel is talking to Charlie and Vaggie, though I just ignore them and throw myself on one of the couches tiredly.

"Yeah well, who would wanna use their last days not fucking and fighting?" I can almost feel Angel raise his brows surprised just as he finishes his sentence and watches me collapse on the couch.
"Damn Rio, what's up your ass today?" He asks as I prop my head on my hands to smirk at him. I hear faint knocks on the front door to the hotel, and ignore as Vaggie leaves to open it.

"Hopefully you, babe." He smiles at the mention, though still looking at his phone.

"Oh, horns is feeling bold?" I chuckle at the nickname as he tries to continue.
"Maybe we should-"

"What are you doing here?!" We all perk up at Vaggie's voice, and Charlie quickly gets up from the couch. I stare at Angel for a moment, as we share a small curious glance before leaving for the door.

"I didn't come looking for a fight. I uhh... I heard that you're helping people... people who want to be betta'?" I look curiously outside the doors, quickly recognising the snake dude from earlier: Sir Pentious.

"You heard right! Welcome to our home of healing, our resort of restoration, our-" Charlie says excitedly, starting to lead him inside before Angel interrupts her with a glare towards the snake.

"Are ya fuckin' nuts? This chump was tryin' to kill us like literally 6 hours ago! And now ya wanna bring him in here to live with us?" He asks condescendingly.

"Absolutely! This place is about second chances, and who deserves one more than this ssslithery... ssslippery... ssspecial little man!" Charlie answers encouragingly.

"He does look slippery as fuck." I point out from behind Angel.

"Aren't ya supposed to protect this place?" The spider asks Vaggie, as the lesbian looks to her girlfriend who looks at her pleading. The latina just sighs at the sight.

"I guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine..." Sir Pentious perks up at this happily.
"...or even with the war machine." He loses all his enthusiasm as he pouts.

"Oh! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Sir Pentious! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" Charlie says, hugging Vaggie before leading Sir Pentious inside the hotel.

"Oh no darling! Thank you! You won't regret thisss." He says politely, though something seems clearly off about him as I eye him up and down.

"Eh, I give you a week, tops." Angel reasons albeit pissedly, as we both follow the princess as she shows the snake around.

"So, this is the bar and the bartender." I avoid Husk's gaze, my eyes just following Charlie's form instead.
"This is the curtain, and this is the new wall after you broke the last one- heh- and oh! Oh! This is the-"

"Babe, you don't have to show him every detail." Vaggie tries calming her girlfriend down.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited to have our first real guest!"

"Uh, what the hell am I then?" Angel questions from beside me, as I frown at her wording as well.

"Well, you're an important part of our family here Angel, but you uhm, uh..."

"Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve?" The shorter girl finishes.

"What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once!" Charlie says before starting to leave with Sir Pentious again. I notice Angel's mood droop slightly, and I frown at the sight. Reaching up to him, I rub his arm comfortingly, sending him a small smile. His face instantly changes once he notices this, sending me a forced smile. I sigh knowingly at the sight before stopping Charlie from leaving.

"Wait, what about me?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, Rio- well, you know, with the whole being from Cannibal Town thing..." Charlie starts, getting interrupted once again as she falters.

"You don't believe in our cause either. You're just here because you hate Cannibal Town." Vaggie rolls her eyes.

"Wait, I don't hate it! I just..." I tilt my head slightly in thought.
"It's... a busy place?" I say unsure. How do I even refer to being chased down just because someone is hungry?
"It can be nice though...?" I say with a tilt of my head, as everyone just watches me rant unsurely before Charlie goes back to showing Sir Pentious around, encountering Nifty and Alastor in the process.

"Nice try, toots. Ya were covered in blood when ya first got here, tho." Angel says, placing a hand on my shoulder before getting his phone out of his pocket again, and I notice how it keeps buzzing aggressively.

"It wasn't my blood!" With a raise of his brow, I quickly get that's not what it was about.

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