7 : The Encounter

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"What a plot twist you were"

This girl just keeps on surprising me, first it was with seeing her at the diner second secondly it was seeing her give her whole pay check to the homeless man and now it's her music taste.

"You really are a hard core One D fan aren't you?" I laugh at her as she continues to sing to one directions 'what makes you beautiful', she snaps her head towards me and a flush of embarrassment covers her face.

Without even thinking I bring my free hand up to her face and tuck stray pieces of her golden hair behind her ear,

"Shit I'm sorry" I say as I quickly retract my hand away from her face and place it back onto the steering wheel.

"Oh-um it's okay. Thanks."

We sit in silence for a few more minutes with the only sound coming from the radio, every now and then I turn to check up on her and every single time she is lip syncing to the song playing.

"Shit, do you mind if I drop the pancakes off at the house first and then drop you." I ask looking behind at pancakes on the middle seat,
"It will only be a quick detour, but if you're in a rush then it's fine"

"Oh it's fine don't worry, I'm not in a rush." She says while fidgeting with her necklace, I squint my eyes when we stop at a traffic light and examine her necklace. The gold chain has a tiny star pendent connected to it which she rubs back and forth.

"You really like that necklace don't ya?" I ask her with one hand gripped on the steering wheel,


"The necklace you keep on toying with"

"Oh yeah uh my little brother gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday."

"That's nice, you just got one sibling?" I ask her,

"Yeah, he's seven. He plays hockey and has a fat crush Selene Gomez." She laughs quietly at the last sentence,

"Do you have any siblings?" She asks turning towards me,

"Yeah a little sister. Her name is Eve, she's a Freshman at Boston"

"Is she a mini version of you?" She asks, a smile appears on my face when I realise she stopped fiddling with her necklace.

"You could say that" I grin, she lets out a chuckle and it's so damn cute.

We don't talk after that, the car stays silence with Lizzie occasionally singing to the songs that come up. I'm glad she doesn't press further about my family because I'm pretty sure if she did I would've told her.

She took her hair out of the claw clip it was in a while ago and now her blonde hair is let loose with a small braid in it, she has a wide smile on her face as she looks out of the window.  God was I wrong about this girl.

"Do you want to stay in the car?" I say as we pull into what we call 'the hockey house'.

"Huh-Oh, yeah sure" I look at her taking her in, noticing that she started fiddling with her necklace again.

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