19 : Hectic Dinners

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"They see right through me. Can you see right through me?"

Tugging my puffer jacket closer to me I push myself against the cold harsh wind. The fallen Autumn leaves from beneath me crunch with each step I take.

It's like walking into Antarctica.

In my defence when Gracie gaslighted me into hanging out with her I thought that the weather would be better.

I've been somewhat avoiding Gracie these past two days, whenever I see her guilt builds up inside my stomach as a reminder that I nearly kissed her boyfriends biggest rival.

I wince just thinking about it. Betrayal.

Trying my best to ignore all negative thoughts and focus on the fact I'm going to be hanging out with my best friend I knock on her door.

"Lizard! Didn't know you were visiting us today!" JJ greets me, one look at his joyful expression causes my guilt to stir up again, I betrayed him.

I should've expected to see the guys here as they literally live here, when Gracie moved in with them last year because she needed a place to stay and JJ offered the last thing we both expected was for her to find her soulmate in this house.

But the best things happen when you're not looking I guess.

As much as she complains about the stench of living with three guys I know she wouldn't give it up for the world, JJ and Archie treat her like a sister and Logan well....Let's just say Archie's room is right next to his and Archie hears everything.

"Hi!" I say as I hug him, he moves to the side letting me inside.

I unzip my puffer and hang it on the back of the door knob, walking in front of JJ I make my way towards Gracie's room.


"Open up" a loud thump comes from the other side of her door.

"I'm coming in." I say after knocking once again on her door, a squeal comes out of me when I lock eyes with my best friend while her freaking boyfriend continues to eat her out.

"AHH" I scream slamming the door shut and running to Archie's room where I hope and pray he is not eating out a random girl right now either.

Once I find the safety of Archie's room and he is thankfully not eating anyone out, I drop onto his mattress.

"What happened?" He asks sitting up straighter next to me on the bed as he repositions his laptop on his lap not sparing me a glance.

"You don't want to know" I huff out into his pillow,

"Lizzie! I didn't know you were here yet!" Gracie says rushing into the room flushed.

"Clearly." I mumble shifting next to Archie as he slings an arm over me.

"You're right I don't want to know." Archie laughs.

"You just traumatised me for life. I didn't need to see that." I grab a pillow from under me and sigh my face into it.

"Logan and JJ are making dinner downstairs, and then we can do our girls night." She says fixing her hair, I huff out one more time before following her downstairs deciding that my need for food is more apparent than the trauma I just witnessed.

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