Chapter 87- The Surprise Trip

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" Ma'am, it's getting really late, I think it's time we return home," I heard the voice of the driver behind me, I was so totally lost in my thoughts that I forgot about the time.

" I'm sorry, I lost track of time," I said as I rose from where I sat on the floor, the driver assisted me up.

We walked back to the car and drove home.

Markus was waiting just in front of the door and from the look on his face he didn't look pleased.

" I've been waiting for you, why would you come home this late?" He said calmly, trying not to raise his voice at me.

" And you, why would you let her stay out late? What the hell do I pay you for?" He didn't hold back for the driver, his anger showed in his voice.

" I'm sorry Sir, I just didn't want to bother her, she went to visit her mom's grave," He said, sounding so sorry when he didn't do anything wrong.

" Calm down Markus, it's my fault we're coming back by this time, don't take it out on him, you can go, Philip," I said to the driver as he took a bow and left.

Markus walked to me and gently placed his hands around my shoulder as he led us inside.

" I was worried, please just tell me where you are, especially if you're out late, you know there is still someone on the loose, so every minute you're far from me makes me worry."

" I'm sorry for making you worried, I just lost track of time, it won't happen again,"

" There's no need to apologize, as long as you're okay, I'm fine. By the way, guess what?" He asked me, sounding excited about whatever he wanted to share with me and I just looked at him expectantly.

" You won a contract," That sounded to me more like a question than an answer.

" Gosh you're so bad at guessing, so I'm going to help you," He said as he poked my nose which made me chuckle.

" We're going on a trip," He said with a broad smile on his face and I just couldn't help but smile.

" You've been stressed lately and I think what's best is for you to take a break from everything, just the two of us," He said as he hugged me from behind while I just closed my eyes enjoying the feeling.

" Where are we going?"

" That my dear is a surprise," he said not giving anything away.

" I hope you're not trying to get me murdered," I jokingly said.

" That's not funny, no one can ever hurt you." Well, he took that a little too personally.

" I was just kidding,"

" I know, but I don't like when you make jokes about your life, it's too precious to me to be joked with."

" Have you eaten?" He asked and my heart couldn't help but warm at how sweet he sounded.

" Not really, I'm still hungry what about you?" I asked as I turned to face him.

" I had a dinner meeting with a client, it's late, so it's best if you just have some vegetables, go sit down, I'll bring you something,"

I went into the sitting room while Markus went to the kitchen to get me something to eat.

A few minutes later he came back with what looked like a fruit salad or rather a fruit salad because the plate contained different varieties of fruit.

" Woah, that looks nice," I said to him as he took a seat beside me.

" Well, it should because if I don't take care of you, who will? Come on open up," He said as he dug the fork into the salad made an airplane sound, and moved it towards my mouth. I couldn't help but laugh as I opened my mouth welcoming the food.

After I was done eating, we decided to watch a movie, we had never done this before and I felt all mushy inside with the way he held me with the blanket covering me, we couldn't cuddle because of my pregnancy.

" Tell me something about your childhood," I suddenly said, forgetting that we were watching a movie.

" I thought we were supposed to be watching this movie," He said as he looked down at me with a smile which I returned as he combed his hand through my hair.

" Well I was a very stubborn kid, I caused a lot of trouble, I don't want to think about them, some of them were quite embarrassing, there was one time I saw my neighbor's dog mating with ours, do you know what I did? Gosh, this is so embarrassing. I went to the neighbor's house and told him his dog raped ours," At his statement, I burst into laughter.

" You did what? That was fucking crazy, I can't even imagine the look on the owner's face,"

" And mind you I was so serious, I told the dog owner I didn't want his dog anywhere near my dog, it was just so funny, for some days I couldn't pass that neighbor's door without thinking about the incident, that wasn't all my mom…" he suddenly stopped what he was about to say.

I have never heard him talking about his mother, it was always his father.

" Let's forget about me, why don't you tell me something silly you did when you were a child," He said turning to me, I could tell he didn't want to talk about his mom, so I didn't push it.

" Well unlike you, I had always been a sweet girl,"

" Yes, my sweet girl," He said as he perked my lip interrupting what I was about to say.

" But there was this crazy night I woke up hungry, I couldn't wake my mom or dad, so I walked straight to the kitchen, I was maybe ten then and I wasn't tall, so I took the stool and climbed on it, and began work even though I didn't know what I was doing, I just wanted to cook, long story short I almost burned down the house, it was so crazy," Markus chuckled as his hand went down my spine in soothing circles.

" We sure do crazy things when we're young,"

" I think it's time we call it a night, it's late," He said as he sat up raising my head that was placed on his lap.

When I went to stand up, he stopped me, carrying me bridal style as he began walking us to the room.

The next morning I woke up to the movement of things. When I opened my eyes I saw Markus bringing out a bag from the closet and I immediately sat up from bed.

" Are you traveling again?" He was in Dubai the last time for a few weeks, was he going for another business trip?

" Did you forget so soon, or did I pleasure you so well last night that I wiped away your memory," At his last statement I blushed, last night my hormones rose their ugly head and all I wanted was his hand all over my body, I was one damn horny lady.

" So where are you going?"

" We. We're going for a trip, remember?" Oh, I remember, he mentioned a relaxation trip last night.

" Yeah I remember, you've already packed our bags?" I asked as I rose from the bed and made my way to him.

" Come here my love," He took my hand and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

" Come on go get ready so I can go treat you like a queen before we welcome our baby into the world,"

" Aye aye Captain," I said before walking off to go get ready.

I couldn't wait to have fun after all that had been going on.

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