Chapter 97- Leaving Her Child

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I took out just the things I came here with, I didn't want to touch anything Markus got for me, it would just serve as a painful reminder of what happened to me.

I didn't want to leave, I was feeling so much pain in my heart, I felt like I was going to die.

I didn't even know how to start fighting this type of battle, there was proof that I signed the surrogacy form and to add more pain to my already bleeding heart Markus had everything to fight me. Money, power.

I didn't want this. Tears gathered in my eyes and I didn't even bother wiping them, I'd been crying for days, and I didn't think I had any tears left to cry.

I zipped the bag and brought it down from the bed and I started dragging it to the door, with my inside feeling lifeless.

As I reached the door, it came open to reveal Rena, who looked so sad that I wished I could force a smile on my face to encourage a smile of hers but I couldn't, I couldn't bring myself to smile.

" Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" She asked me as she cleaned the tears that fell from her eyes, watching her like this made me want to cry more.

" No please Rena, I need you to stay here, I don't know if I'll ever see my baby, I just want you to watch over her for me, I trust you, and I need someone I can talk to who can tell me how my child is doing,"

This was so much for me to bear.

Sensing that I was about to break down again, Rena hugged me and she tried to comfort me but I knew the only thing that could comfort me was my baby.

" It's going to be alright I promise you," I didn't believe her, what was in life for me? Nothing.

When I got freed from her hug she tried to help me with my bag but I stopped her.

" It's okay you don't need to help me, I came here on my own, I'll leave on my own,"

I carried the bag and dragged it down the stairs as Rena followed behind me. My taxi was waiting outside for me. I had a car but I didn't want to take it. Markus could keep all his property, I don't want them.

I couldn't bring myself to see my daughter for the last time because I knew I was going to do something crazy as trying to run away with her but I knew I would be unsuccessful.

I'm sorry baby girl. I looked at the house one last time before entering the car with so much pain in my heart and Rena helped me shut the door, waving at me but I couldn't even bring myself to wave back, I couldn't bring myself to do anything.

I just sat in the car while the driver started the engine and drove out of the mansion.

I didn't even know where I was going yet, anywhere my mind led me to, I just needed someone to listen to me.

I knocked on the door and patiently waited for Hardin to come open the door, he was the only friend I had and I felt like at this point in my life I needed someone I could rely on.

The door opened and Hardin looked at me in surprise.

" I'm sorry to come up like this, but I didn't know where to go," I said as the tears gathered in my eyes again.

" Jane, come in, you're welcome here anytime," He said as he took my bag and helped me in, closing the door behind him.

I noticed the way his eyes kept going to my stomach that didn't have a baby bump yet I was without a baby.

" Jane, what happened?" Hardin asked with so much worry in his voice.

" He took her, he took her from me," I said as I fell on the floor, a sob breaking through my mouth. Hardin quickly rushed to me as he covered me with his warm embrace.

He combed his hand through my hair muttering soothing words to me but it was doing nothing to help the wound in my heart.

" Do you want to talk about it?" Hardin asked.

" I'm a terrible person, I'm a bad mother, I hate myself for this, and now my child has to suffer for this," I couldn't stop the tears, it just kept falling like a dam that couldn't be controlled.

" I might not have known you for years Jane, but in the short time I've known you, you're not a bad person, definitely not a bad mom,"

" You're saying this because you don't know what have done,"

" Jane, I know you're not a bad person,"

" You don't know that!! " I shouted as I pushed myself from his embrace. I was taking out my anger on him.

" How can you say that to someone who sold her child," I asked as hot tears ran down my eyes.

" What do you mean by you sold your child?" Hardin asked me with confusion in his voice.

" I signed my child over when my mother was in the hospital, I needed the money and that was when I got introduced to Markus, he wanted a child, and I agreed to give him a child, in return he would help my mom, he gave me the money for treatment at the end, my mom died but there was no canceling the contract,..." I stopped to take a deep breath because my heart was beating so fast like I would have a heart attack.

…" At first Markus treated me terribly, he never paid attention to me and the only thing he cared about was the child, but one day everything changed and he suddenly started caring for me. I thought he had changed for the better, I thought he now cared about me but just after I gave birth I noticed a change in his attitude, I was confused, not until he told me all those times I thought he cared for me was nothing but fake, he fooled me because he thought I was planning to run away with the baby, now he doesn't want me to see my baby,"

" How can he do something like that?" Hardin asked as he walked to me and embraced me, it was much needed because I was breaking apart.

" You didn't have a choice Jane, this isn't your fault, you only cared about saving your mom back then, you didn't expect things to turn out like it, you need to rest, if you keep doing this you will fall sick, if you want your child back you need strength to fight,"

" I'm going to get her back, I don't care how, I won't give up,"

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