Part 4

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The next day Adeline was getting dressed for school. Sadly, even with the medical certificate she got at Beacon Hills High School she didn't graduate there so she still has to go to Forks High School with her sister. But Adeline is trying to look at tye positives which is that she gets to see some of her old friends. 

After getting ready Adeline goes downstairs and start making breakfast for everyone, French toast and eggs. It's not long before Charlie comes down the stairs and sees one of his daughter's in the kitchen. "What are you doing? Please don't burn down the house." Before Adeline went to California she was as bad as her Dad when it came down to cooking and baking, but luckily Marissa taught her how to cook. 

Adeline chuckles and puts the last peice of toast on a plate. "I won't burn down the house, I made French toast and eggs." Adeline points the spatula in the direction of the eggs. Charlie looks surprised and goes to the pan of eggs with a fork that he grabs from a drawer. He looks at the eggs and pokes at them with the fork and stirs them around a little. "There shouldn't been any eggshells, or anything else that should be in eggs."

Charlie smiles as he teases his daughter. "Just making sure, never can be too careful." 

Adeline rolls her eyes at her father as she grabs herself a plate and sits down at the table. "Is Bella awake?"

Charlie grabs himself a plate and shrugs. "Don't know." He sits down in the seat across from Adeline. "She hasn't been..." Charlie trails off to find the right words. "That Cullen boy, Edward, hasn't been at school since Monday and it's messing with her head. Her and that boy has been attached at the hip since they started dating, not in the new love way, more like, an obsession." Adeline frowns at her father's words. They had talked about it a little over the phone when she was gone, but Adeline had no idea how bad it really was. "I was this close," Charlie holds up his hand and shows very little space between his pointer finger and thumb. "From not allowing that boy to come into this house during the summer. But I knew that wouldn't separate them. It was just, weird."

Adeline looks at her food and eating some before looking back at her dad. "Like, if they spent a day apart it would hurt them?" 

Charlie nods as he eats his food. "I was during the summer I was talking about visiting you. Saying to Bella that I might buy two plane tickets to California to see you. Bella was all excited, Saying how much fun her and Edward were going to have on the trip, then asked me if they could go to somewhere else instead. Safe to say that I didn't buy the tickets. So I'm sorry for not seeing you during that time Adeline. I just didn't want Bella to somehow take advantage of me." Charlie looks at the table ashamed to look at his daughter, ashamed that he let Bella get in the way of him seeing Adeline. 

"Dad. It's okay, I had a great time, plus we talked at least one time every weekend. I knew you cared, you didn't have to come down to California to prove that. I understand how, Bella is sometimes, so I don't blame you. I love you Dad." 

Charlie looks up at his daughter and smiles. "I love you too Kiddo." 

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