Part 16

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Adeline tried and find Jacob after he ran out of the theater but she couldn't find him and she lost his smell about 30 feet away from the theater. She pulled out her phone and called him but he didn't answer. Adeline sighed and slowly walked back into the theater and was confused when she only saw Mike. "Mike?"

Mike gave her a sympathy smile. "Yeah, right after you left for Jacob Bella said she was going to your guys home and she got in her truck and left... I figure I should wait about 15 minutes for you in case you came back, and i can give you a ride home."

Adeline smiled and hugged him, he smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you..." Adeline pulled back from the hug with a frown. "Really thank you, I appreciate it and everything, but, uh... you really need to take a shower." 

Mike let out an embarrassed chuckle. "Yea. If we ever go to the moives again, let it not be an action moive, or horror."

Adeline laughed. 

"Can we also blame this on the flu? Thanks."


Adeline came home to Charlie yelling at Bella, while typing something into the house phone. When Charlie heard the front door shut he dropped the phone and looked at the door. Charlie sigh with relief as he saw his youngest daughter. He quickly walked towards her and hugged her tightly. "I was so worried when Bella come home without you." Bella scoffed and ran up the stairs into her room and slammed the door. Charlie and Adeline payed her no attention. 

Adeline smiled and hugged him back just as tight. "I'm alright, Mike gave me a ride home." Adeline lowered her voice. "Please tell me you grounded her."

Charlie chuckled. "I grounded her. Though its about to get worse since she slammed the door. When she owns the house she can slam the door, which will be never. She will never own this house, over my dead body."


The next day Adeline called Jacob, which he didn't answer, she called Billy, who also didn't answer. She call both two more times which still didn't get answered. Normally Adeline would let this go, thinking that they were busy, but with Jacob running away last night she wasn't going to give up that easy. 

Billy p.o.v.

Jacob looked at me panicked when the phone rang once again. "Dad, please answer it. If it's Adeline tell her I'm sick a-and it's contagious, and, and that I can't leave the toilet or something. You got to tell her something or else she'll come over a-and I can't hurt her, I just cant..." 

I sighed. "I'm sorry Jacob but I can't lie to her, she always know when I'm lying, like she's some lying dictator... Plus I can't lie to my future daughter in law, it's wrong."


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