Part4 An even bigger fate (The Flames of the Phoenix.)

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Part 4                  The Flames of the Phoenix.

Clap, Clap, Clap.

With a quick, deft movement, Mu Er snatched his missing gauntlet and slid it smoothly back into place, his body still humming with adrenaline. As he glanced toward the unexpected observer, their slow, mocking applause grated on his nerves. However, the large mass of seasoned soldiers surprised him with their silence, their eyes offering some acknowledgment of his feat. Yet, their attention was drawn to the livery he wore and the three rings adorning his cloak.

In the midst of the fighter's reactions, a commanding figure emerged, projecting an air of unflappable authority. Liuyue Jinghua, the embodiment of a warrior's prowess. Positioned herself before Mu Er, her sarcastic clapping continuing in a rhythmic display of assessment.

Liuyue Jinghua, a captain of pit 359, approached the young man garbed in intricately tight-fitting woven mail that shimmered like molten silver. The mail conformed to her figure, underscoring her lithe yet potent physique, an artful fusion of grace and deadly precision. Draped around her form was a cloak of pristine alabaster, its edges sweeping gently across the ground as she moved with grace. An elaborate golden embroidery depicted a phoenix in mid-flight spread the length of the cloak. Its wings extended in a symbol of renewal and ascendance, a befitting emblem for a warrior of her calibre.

Striding in formation beside her were a wave of battle-hardened veterans. Their armour, bearing the marks of countless encounters, formed a united facade mirroring the authority of their captain. Each warrior's mail bore the hues of their respective pit, an emblem of dedication. These soldiers were career warriors from the Ironclad legions, each soldier chose the path of perpetual warfare within the pits. Their commitment enduring with each passing spring to winter. Their allegiance to the Nanjing Empire was a concept that awed Mu Er beyond measure. The unwavering valour and unyielding dedication of these men and women left him utterly speechless; they embodied the very essence of heroism. Their reputation spread far and wide throughout the empire. Earning them the rightful title of the empire's most illustrious fighters. Their prestige rivalling even that of the revered Diushi.

Yet the legends stood before him. Their armour dented and scratched, bearing the scars of battles past, telling stories of bravery and sacrifice. The weapons they wielded were extensions of themselves, honed through relentless use. A distinct scent of beast blood clung to them, giving them a ferocious countenance. So, these were soldiers of legends the Ironclad's.

As their gaze rested on Mu Er, their attention swiftly shifted beyond him, fixated on the battle lines at the end of the trench. The grip on their weapons tightened, a palpable eagerness radiating from them. Their resolute gazes carried a fearless intensity, their expressions more stoic than ever.

Mu Er squared his shoulders and raised his chin, meeting the captain's gaze with resoluteness. Liuyue's hair, reminiscent of moonlight, cascaded down her back, secured by a silver clasp adorned with a solitary sapphire. The gem's icy blue depths echoed her unwavering stare. Her eyes, a captivating amber hue, locked onto Mu Er's.

"Runner," she intoned, her gaze assessing his blood-stained attire and equipment, scrutinizing the symbols on his livery and the rings on his cloak and above all else his sash as a Diushi.

Every detail fell under her meticulous inspection. Despite the annoyance he masked in his eyes, her mockery had clearly struck a chord. Even his stance and bearing, projecting confidence, spoke volumes of his origins in that illustrious school.

His disregard for her rank did not escape her notice, yet he displayed more trepidation facing the small spider than confronting her. At least some of his training had left an imprint. Her surprise deepened as he offered a delayed response, merely a subtle nod. A faint dip of his reinforced Zhou allowed her a clear unobstructed view of his youthful, handsome features.

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