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Chapter Thirty
Valentine's Day

A knock on Mya's office door, took her attention away from her laptop. She was finally starting to feel less stressed over her businesses now that this solid team was coming together. Next week she'd be in Texas finalizing things for her new stores. "Come in." Mya called. The door opened and Kayla walked in with a beautiful flower arraignment in her hand. "Oh my goodness, are these for me?"

"They are."

Mya took them out her hand. They weren't the usual red roses that Chris would normally buy her. There was an assortment of many different white flowers and it smelt amazing. Pulling the card from the top, she opened it.

Happy Valentines Day ❤️.

The love between those two was stronger than ever lately. They couldn't get enough of each other. Everything Mya told Chris she wanted when it came to their relationship, he delivered. He makes sure to take her on a date at least twice a week. It's not always them dressing up and going to have dinner. They go to the movies, to bars, to places that made them feel young again. Mya felt the difference and it made her happier than ever.

"Ugh, he can cum where ever he wants tonight." She said while placing the card back on the vase. Kayla held a disgusted look on her face.

"I hope you on the strongest birth control."

"Yeah, you're not though." Mya smirked while pointing at her sisters noticeable stomach.

"Girl don't start."

"Does your pregnancies involve delusion? You did this with Sam."

"I just don't want to talk about it."

"Is it Hoody's?"


"Kayla, don't do that! You tell me everything."

Kayla groaned. "Yes it's his. But the thing is we aren't together. I still don't even really like him like that but he's there when I'm horny so I take advantage."

Mya gagged. "I'm not trying to be judgmental but honey I don't see where the attraction is."

"And that's only because he's a big boy."

"There's some really attractive big guys that could surely get some of this if I was single. Maybe I don't see it because Hoody is my brother, like blood couldn't make us closer. You look at him with a different set of eyes."

"Yeah, you're all in love with that dancing bag of bones."

Mya laughed. "Dancing bag of bones?!"

"Yeah. What am I going to do Mya? I'm 38. I was content with being the mom with one kid."

"Life never goes as planned. We should all be well aware of that by now."


"My question to you is, if you feel like there's no issue with y'all fucking raw, what's holding you back from trying again? You guys are always together, hanging out, at each other's houses. Maybe I'm dumb but I really thought y'all were together."

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