4.0 Shadows and Silhouettes

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As the group made their way to Belle's house, confusion lingered. Belle questioned, "Why are the boys tagging along when it's just Lily sleeping over?"

Milo, ever spontaneous, declared, "The boys will camp on the lawn!"

Upon arriving, they found only Belle's two brothers, Alex and Noah, present. Alex, the elder brother, greeted them with a friendly smile, while Noah, the younger one, was immersed in a book.

Jax, eyeing Alex, suddenly recognized him and exclaimed, "Wait, you were our middle school teacher, right?"

Ethan, with a triumphant smirk, chimed in, "Told you!"

As the revelation unfolded, the boys' impromptu camping plan took an unexpected turn, revealing a connection between Belle's brothers and the past lives of Jax and Ethan. The night promised more surprises as the characters navigated through their shared history.

As the evening settled, Alex, the elder brother, found himself reminiscent about the times when Jax and Ethan were his students in middle school. Teasing smiles adorned his face as he recalled some mischievous exploits, much to the embarrassment of the two boys.

Meanwhile, Noah, the younger brother, puzzled by the sudden influx of guests, approached Milo with curiosity. "Why is the whole club in our house?" he asked.

Milo, with a mischievous grin, replied, "The boys are camping outside to make sure the girls are safe."

Upon hearing this, Alex, now in protective elder brother mode, declared, "I'll protect them, starting by kicking you boys out."

Outside, as the boys grumbled about being banished, Milo confronted Alex, asking, "Why so mean?"

Alex, sternly, responded, "I've heard the rumors about Belle and Jax. I don't want them to become true."

Jax, embarrassed, shot a glare at Ethan, demanding to know how Alex found out. Ethan, nervously chuckling, offered no clear answer, leaving the boys to contemplate the implications of the rumors that had reached even Belle's protective brothers.

Amidst the predicament of camping without essentials, Ace voiced the concern, "How are we supposed to camp outside without a tent or sleeping bags?"

Milo, with his usual nonchalance, casually replied, "We'll get a tent from our house. Follow me."

As Milo led the way to the neighboring house, the club members exchanged surprised glances. The realization struck that they hadn't anticipated the proximity of the houses. Conversations buzzed with their astonishment.

Ace, wide-eyed, exclaimed, "I didn't think it was this close!"

Milo, enjoying the reactions, grinned and beckoned them to follow. The unexpected discovery added a touch of whimsy to their night, setting the stage for more unforeseen twists in the unfolding story of the Cursed Games Club.

As Alex observed the boys heading towards Milo's house from the window, he remarked, "Off they go."

Belle, questioning the abrupt decision, asked, "Why did you kick them out immediately? They could have at least stayed for dinner."

Alex, caught off guard, admitted, "When I got the text that Lily was sleeping over, I was feeling generous. So, I bought hot pot ingredients. I wasn't prepared for extra company."

Noah, with a playful smirk, called Alex a cheapskate. Belle, chuckling, sided with Noah, saying, "I agree."

Alex, in his defense, argued, "Less company means more food for us."

The banter between the siblings continued, creating a lively atmosphere in the house. Lily, amused by the playful dynamics, found solace in laughter as the night unfolded with unexpected twists and turns.

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