7.0 Through the Lens of Fright

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Mr. Anderson, now bearing visible signs of stress with pronounced eyebags, observed Belle and Jax arriving early to school. Surprisingly, they submitted a well-written assignment, contrasting with their previous mishaps. He internally acknowledged that it was now him experiencing the stress that the Cursed Games Club members often endured.

As Belle glanced at Jax and Jax reciprocated with a meaningful look, they shared a silent exchange, reminiscent of the eerie encounters they faced together. Belle couldn't help but giggle, and Jax responded with a knowing smile, acknowledging the shared experiences of playing Charlotte's Web. Unbeknownst to them, their interaction caught the attention of some curious students, adding an element of intrigue to the peculiar dynamics unfolding within the Cursed Games Club.

During recess, Belle finds herself receiving an influx of letters and notes from the male students, causing a stir among her classmates. Concerned girls inquire if the sudden attention is bothering her, and Belle, maintaining her composure, admits it's becoming somewhat annoying. As Jax approaches to check on her, the girls give him disapproving looks. Belle confides in Jax, explaining that the notes are filled with specific times and locations, signaling potential confessions. The mystery deepens, leaving Belle puzzled about the sudden surge in attention and the motives behind it.

A snarky girl suggests that Belle should ask Jax about the sudden surge of attention, claiming it's his fault. Jax, visibly annoyed, questions why it's considered his fault. A polite girl hints at Jax's comments to the boys when Belle was in the faculty office last time. Jax begins to argue, invoking the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." However, as he notices Belle attentively listening, he decides to cover her ears playfully, resulting in a cute, squeaky response from her. Trying not to laugh at Belle's reaction, Jax continues the conversation with the girls, questioning how his remarks about Belle could lead to such a sudden wave of confessions.

The snarky girl elaborates, explaining that Jax's remarks made the boys think they had a chance with Belle. She reminds Jax of his casual comment about how easy it is to be friends with Belle, narrating how their interactions escalated from a coffee spill to shopping and sharing snacks at recess. The girl concludes that Jax basically implied that anyone could have Belle, as he claimed not to care. Jax, still puzzled, fails to comprehend why he's being held accountable and why the girls disapprove, asserting that it's merely an opinion, and if anyone should be criticized, it's those making the confessions.

Belle removes Jax's hands from her ears, and he unconsciously moves them to her shoulder. As she fixes her slightly messy hair, Belle expresses that she's heard enough, emphasizing that no one is to blame. She admits that the sudden influx of confessions is slightly bothering her but acknowledges that it was bound to happen eventually. Belle appreciates Jax's remark for giving the boys confidence. She decides to give them closure for their courage. Some girls start crying, stating they don't deserve Belle, especially Jax, who remains clueless and casually shoos them away since Belle has already finished addressing the situation.

Belle looks at Jax, pouting, and comments on how mean he is to the girls. Jax, unapologetically, replies that he doesn't want to be scolded by Pikachu. Belle, slightly embarrassed, covers her ears, stating that Pikachu doesn't squeak; it says "pika pika." She explains that his hands surprised her because they were cold. Jax retorts, asking if her hands aren't cold, to which Belle responds that her hands are warm. In a surprising move, she demonstrates by holding Jax's hand. Jax, suddenly realizing the intimacy of the gesture, hastily pulls his hands away, saying that Belle's warm hands are disgusting. Belle, taking no offense, teasingly responds, "First, you call me ugly, and now you call my hands disgusting."

In the clubroom, Mr. Anderson, feeling stressed, questions his role once again, pondering if he could be a more laid-back advisor like others. Milo announces today's activity: the picture game. He then turns to Ethan, inquiring about a special item. Ethan excitedly reveals a Polaroid 600 camera, boasting about the 40 packs of film he bought, even though they only need 21. Belle and Lily express their joy, eager to capture group photos and selfies.

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