06 | An Announcement

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"When do you want to start this?"

"As soon as possible. Jace tried to confront me about everything this morning and I'm lucky I got away by being called to see Principle DeRosa. I can't survive another conformation like that one."

"Okay, as soon as possible. That works. I mean I was hoping to have more time to plan how we announce this but I can improvise." he said nodding his head more so to himself. It was a little evil villain in a comic book to Cammie and made her nervous. Ramsey turned his gaze on her with a smirk and she couldn't help but swallow hard. He had a wicked, playful gleam in his eye and she was stuck again by how quickly she regretted her decision.

"I'm confused though, why are you helping me? I thought, I mean yesterday you seemed angry. And you should be, I get it. I didn't exactly have the nicest things to say about you. I'm really sorry, I never..." she shyly looked up at him through her eyelashes, "I never intended for you to read those words."

Ramsey looked at Cammie's shaking shoulders and pink nose.

"Cammie, you shouldn't be sorry." Cammie sniffed and looked up at him, her eyes watery again. There were a lot of emotions in her.

"I shouldn't?" she asked uncertainly. Cammie didn't know what she should be feeling right now. She felt so many emotions running through her veins that she couldn't think straight, so many words she wanted to say. Ramsey shook his head, black hair tossing about in the wind.

"No, I don't have the right to be annoyed with you. I'm sorry."

She just stared at him with a puzzled expression, "You don't?" Ramsey tensed and took a deep breath to calm himself down. Here he was trying to apologize to her and she was just squishing it in the mud, without even realizing it!

He chuckled, "I mean sure it hurt to read those things. I was pissed and I wish I could unread those things." well not all of them, he though as his tucked his hand into his pocket to grasp the paper that described his eyes, "But last night I realized that I am certainly not the victim here. Or at least not the intended victim, just merely collateral damage."


"Look just take the apology Cammie, jeeze." He gasped, half frustrated and half amused.

Cammie forced a smile and nodded vigorously, "Thank you, Ramsey. I mean it. I'm not sure why you're doing this, but I'm just gonna say thank you for now."

Ramsey smirked, "It's fine, glad I can help. So we cool?"

"Yeah," she said, "We're cool." and Ramsey starts to take steps back, soft green grass squishing under his feet as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans. Cammie just smiled shyly and watched him turn. She couldn't believe that he was being so nice. I mean sure he had shouted at her and made her cry... but after that he was very nice. He apologized and that wasn't something Ramsey, let alone any guy, did often.

She was suddenly overwhelmed by the whole thing. A moment ago she felt like she had no one in her corner, except maybe Principle DeRosa, but she didn't really count. Yet, Ramsey had clearly thought about her, about how this was making her feel and even though she thought his idea was terrible he was trying to help her. For moment when she looked at him she saw the Ramsey who used to smile at her in the halls Freshman year, who'd sit next to her in class whenever their schedules lined up. Before he began to ignore her.

With all of that in her mind she flung her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek against his chest.

"I really appreciate it." she said, her eye stinging with relief. Ramsey jumped back slightly, shocked at Cammie's actions once again. Slowly he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away gently.

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