11 | An Adorable Day

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Ramsey woke up early on Saturday, he had left his blinds open and so the sun came streaming through his windows, dragging him out of a sleep. He had stuffed his head under his pillow in a semiconscious state in order to try and hold onto his dream, but the more he tried to remember what was happening the further it slipped away; he groaned in frustration before jumping out of bed and ruffling his hair.

He stretched up, standing on his tiptoes and grazing his fingertips on the ceiling before scratching his bare back and pulling his red flannel pyjama bottoms up as they were resting lazily on his hips. His dark brown almost black hair was tossed about and his eyes had a sleepy look to them, their green was dull as he made his way down stairs to the kitchen to make some coffee. His soft feet padded lightly on the glossy hard wood floor.

He remembered when he used to have sock races across the shiny surface with his cousins during family parties. Back when his mother wasn't estranged from her sister the way she was now.

The coffee pot had already been heated and brewed by his mother before she left for Guam on business that morning and his father was who-knows-where, but it was cold now. He grabbed a mug from the hunter green cabinets and poured himself a cup, heating it up in the microwave before heading back up to his room. Ramsey put his white mug down on his bedside table. He changed into a pair of athletic shorts and sneakers, grabbed his wireless head phones, and picked up his phone. The pad of his thumb scrolled through his contacts until he found the one he wanted. His room was big, with white walls and a white bed, but the sheets were a grey. His curtains were red and his desk was red and his book shelves hung on the wall held more CDs and old records than books. On a table in the far left corner was a stereo and running machine.

Making his way over to the treadmill he clicked on the name and began to type.

Hiya Ivy xox

He waited for a few moments to see if she would reply right away, when she didn't he put on some music and began his morning workout. It was mainly a light jog, but he always set the incline pretty high to make it worth his while. Usually running was pretty peaceful, the way he cleared his mind to start each day. And he needed to clear his mind if he wanted to keep getting up in the morning. Still, this run wasn't as relaxing as usual because he kept checking his phone for the next forty-five minutes for her response.

By the time he was done, there was still nothing and he forced himself to ignore his disappointment. In fact, he told himself he wasn't even disappointed, I don't care what Cameron Haveryard does with her Saturdays.

He checked one more time after downing his lukewarm coffe before tossing his phone onto his bed and digging around in his drawers for a clean shirt, boxers and jeans and going through the door to the ensuite bathroom, equipped with a shower. When he came out again his hair was damp, he was wearing a plain black t-shirt (he purposefully picked one that was on the tighter side) with a pair of comfy dark wash jeans Alana always said man his ass look great. His feet now were covered in thick grey socks, a hole on the left heal made it so he kept feeling the cold of the air every time he lifted his foot from the carpet. His mother would have a stroke she ever saw it. Luckily he'd taken over doing his own laundry sophomore year after realizing that his housekeeper had been instructed to throw out clothes his mother didn't like without even asking him. He hurried over to the bed to check his phone.

Ivy League: Well you're up early

He smirked down at the screen and quickly went to answer

Ramsey: Only because I wanted to bother you ;)

Ivy League: Congratulations! You did! :'(

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