I should be sleeping (Fulton Reed)

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Here I am back in Minneapolis. I've been coming to visit some family friends every couple of years during summer. But this time is different. This time I'm here to stay, hopefully.

You see I've just moved out of home, to try and build a life for myself and stop relying on my family. They're lovely, my family, but they can be a bit coddling you know. I just need a fresh start and to land on my own two feet.

Of course, I'm not actually doing it all on my own, at first. Casey Conway, one of the aforementioned family friends, got me a job as a waiter at the diner she works at. She's such a lovely lady, she even offered to house me, but I couldn't let her do that.

I'd found a place to stay and let's just say I should have taken her up on her offer. But it's a roof over my head and the landlord said I could try and fix it up myself. Which should be fine, I know my way around some tools.

Anyways back to the present. It's Monday, my second week on the job. And just as the clock strikes 4 an onslaught of college kids pile in. It's like this every weekday, first the school kids and then the college kids. Although I will say the college kids are much more far and in between, as they all have different "end of days", trickling in periodically and they're nicer.

Charlie huffs as he plops on a stool. I chuckle at him. "Long day, huh Charlie bear?" I say as I walk past collecting dishes.

His friend who has now taken a seat next to him looks at me with a raised brow then back to Charlie. "Charlie bear?" He asks Charlie almost teasingly.

Charlie shrugs. "She's known me since we were learning to walk." He explains. His friend nods in acknowledgement.

"I'll be right with you Charlie just gotta..." I hold up my tray and walk into the kitchen area to drop them off.

Walking back out I wipe my hands on my apron and walk behind the counter, pulling out my notepad and pen. "Now what can I get you hard-working college boys?" I smile leaning on the counter.

"Just a soda for me. I need sugar." Charlie says laying his head down on his books.

I nod and turn to his friend, who I now recognise as one of the Ducks, Fulton I believe. "Could I get a bacon and egg roll?" He asks politely.

I blush lightly. 'Who would have thought he would be so polite? He's kinda cute.'

"Hmm, that's a breakfast item." I say standing up straight. I tap my chin. "I'll see what I can do." I smile.

I walk back into the kitchen and hand in the order. I explain to the nicer chef the order and leave. Walking back out I get to work, I pour Charlie his soda, go take some more orders and clean up.

Hearing a ding, I grab the bacon and egg roll and hand it to Fulton. I smile before turning back to deliver more food.

I look around the diner and see everything is ok for now so I go back behind the counter to chat with Charlie.

"So late night or just a long day?" I ask leaning on the counter with my head in my hands.

He sighs. "Both. Was training, lost track of time. Teacher assigned so much." He mumbles before taking a sip of his soda.

I nod and turn to Fulton. "What about you? You seem to be able to make full sentences."

He laughs. "I, went to bed at a normal hour and also we're in different classes. Still a tiring day though. My name's Fulton by the way." He says holding out his hand.

I shake it. "(Y/N)."

"So, you're not in college?" He asks before finishing his roll.

I rub my neck. "No, maybe someday, but I can't work and do schooling. I have bills to pay." I say sadly before smiling. "But don't worry it was my choice. To get life experiences and such."

He nods. "I forgot you two haven't met. Or the rest of the ducks." Charlie mumbles again.

I laugh slightly and shake my head. I walk off and grab two plates of pie and place them before the boys. "Here eat. And Charlie make sure you sleep when you get home." I say.

He nods and begins to eat a small bite. I shake my head at him again before turning and smiling at Fulton.

I walk off to help a customer. After a while I see Charlie start to pack up his things so I move to the cash register.

"You going home, Char?" I ask and he nods. "Good, you two paying separately?"

"Yeah." Fulton replies.

I nod. "Ok Fulton, your total is $7." I say after typing it in.

"$7? What about the pie?" He asks as he gets his money out.

"Oh, no the pie is on the house. And by that I mean, I'll cover it, don't worry." I say smiling.

"No, you said you have bills to pay, I can't let you pay out of your own pocket." He says handing me more than enough money.

I chuckle. "It's fine. I kinda forced it on you anyway. I just wanted him to eat something." I say taking his money counting out $7 and giving him back the rest.

Charlie grumbles. "You two can flirt later, I'm tired. Let's go."

Fulton turns to Charlie as I laugh. "Ok, ok. Charlie your total is $3." He hands me the money and starts to leave.

"Sorry about him." Fulton and I both say before we laugh.

"See you later." Fulton says waving.

"See ya." I wave back.

I watch as they walk outside. Fulton lightly pushes Charlie before Charlie holds his hands up in surrender.

I chuckle at them before returning to work.


It's called that because I indeed should be sleeping. It's like 3:30 in the morning.

I feel like I have another 1 or 2 chapters for this story. I want to have it relate to the title in some way. Probably have Fulton and (Y/N) chatting on the phone late at night

Also, I like that Charlie gets more grumpy over time. I tried to make him an adorable grumpy but I'm currently tired so maybe my thoughts bled through to him. I guess I'll find out in the morning.

Anyway, I'm probably gonna try and sleep now, goodnight.

Drew X

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