Chapter 4: The Protagonist Hates Me... I think

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Classes at Mystic Academy resumed the next day, and as expected, I found myself alone in the classroom. No one seemed eager to approach the level 100 "monster," as whispers had already begun to brand me. A small, wistful smile touched my lips as I mused, "Touche." This isolation wasn't new to me.

While I sat at my desk, lost in thought and waiting for the lesson to start, Lydian and her newly acquired group of friends—Alex, Cornelius, and Adrian—entered. Their voices, lively and filled with joy, carried across the room. My heightened senses allowed me to catch their conversation effortlessly.

Cornelius was the first to speak, "Lydian, your talent with holy magic is truly incredible. It's a rare gift," he praised, to which Adrian and Alex added their nods and murmurs of agreement.

Lydian's response was humble, reflecting her grounded nature. "Thank you, guys, honestly it's just so surreal. As a commoner I just hope I can live up to the expectations and use my abilities to make a real difference," she shared, her tone grounded yet filled with aspiration.

Adrian offered his nerdy insight, "Holy magic is ideal for defense given its healing and protective properties. It not only makes you indispensable in combat situations but also positions you as a key player in any battle against dark forces. The world hasn't seen a talent like yours in decades."

A burst of laughter from Alex cut through the heavy discussion. "Exactly! I'm just saying, if we ever form a party I'll be counting on you to save my life a dozen times over."

Lydian smiled, "That's a scary thought... I'm sure a strong person like you wouldn't need saving all that often, Alex. But I appreciate the vote of confidence," she assured.

The interaction took a more intimate turn as Cornelius reached out, taking Lydian's hand with a gentle firmness. "Holy magic is just so beautiful and pure, fitting for someone like you," he remarked, his gaze locked on hers.

Blushing, Lydian's expression mixed surprise with delight, her cheeks tinted a soft pink that matched the warmth in Cornelius's words.

I couldn't help but cringe a little, Their dialogue seemed ripped straight from the game. Perhaps it's due to my inexperience, you know of the social kind, but watching them interact with such ease and affection highlighted my own sense of detachment.

In any case, I was glad the attention was now all on her, and not on me.

I must have been staring too intently, lost in my thoughts because suddenly, Lydian's gaze snapped to mine. Her look was one of fear... almost as if I had killed her parents right in front of her. It was clear that she hated me.

As Cornelius caught Lydian's frightened glance and my bewildered stare, his own expression hardened. Without a word, he stood up and exited the classroom, leaving a brief tension in his wake. His sudden departure, unnoticed by most, felt ominous to me. Almost as if he couldn't stand my existence.

The day led to afternoon classes focused on swordsmanship. Most of the males chose to participate, while only a handful of females, including myself, decided to join. We convened on the expansive training grounds. A vast open space, bordered by the academy's lush gardens, creating a serene backdrop to the clanging of wood and the instructors' calls.

"Alright students, let's get started with sparring sessions. Today, we'll be focusing on assessing technique and control," Wilhelm, our swordsmanship instructor, announced. "Go ahead and choose a partner to pair up with," he continued, sweeping his gaze across the group of students gathered on the training field.

I hesitated, observing my peers quickly pair off, leaving me alone—a familiar situation. However, Wilhelm approached, concern evident. "Can't find a sparring partner?" he asked.

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