Interlude 1: King/Queen

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King Mandus leaned against the cool marble of the palace balcony, his eyes tracing the fading light over Florabelle. The air was crisp, a gentle reminder of the evening's embrace. "A mortal who can turn day into night is like a god, wouldn't you agree?" he mused aloud, pondering the incident regarding Evelyn.

Beside him, Queen Althea shifted her gaze from the horizon to meet his eyes. "My, if such a deity existed they would have surely sought destruction of humanity," she reflected, seamlessly connecting her thoughts to the gravity of Evelyn's actions.

The incident that suddenly cast day into night, though briefly, plunged the kingdom into confusion. King Mandus furrowed his brow, recalling the sudden darkness. Was it an enemy attack, or had the demon king returned earlier than expected?

In response to the unsettling event, King Mandus and Queen Althea swiftly addressed the kingdom on the cause—a magic experiment gone wrong. They took pains to cover up the true nature of Evelyn's abilities, declaring it a minor mishap to prevent panic among the populace. They reassured their people of the kingdom's safety and normalcy.

Naturally, students and other staff who had witnessed it firsthand would have told others about the true cause. Whispers and rumors spread quickly, fueled by the unusual circumstances and the rare display of such potent magic. Despite the official statement, many were skeptical and speculated about the mysterious girl who could wield such power. Mandus could almost hear the hushed conversations that likely filled the castle corridors.

"If she had malicious intent, her power could have destroyed us," King Mandus added, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Yet, when I offered her the world, she rejected."

King Mandus had planned to monopolize her by providing her with anything she desired, but his offer was declined. Nonetheless, the King harbored no regrets over this outcome. After all, an alliance forged from greed is often undone by the same. This was a lesson the king and queen had learned well from their dealings with the crafty aristocracy of Florabelle.

"She sought only a peaceful life in Florabelle, correct? She really is an interesting girl," Queen Althea replied, her tone laced with admiration and a hint of intrigue. "Such humility in one so powerful is rare. It speaks volumes of her character."

"Speaking of her character, have you perused the report on her background?" Mandus inquired, his tone indicating the shift to a more pragmatic discussion.

"A report? You mean you probed into her past without her knowledge?" Queen Althea's eyebrows shot up, her eyes widening—a silent dance of surprise and concern etching across her face.

"It was a necessary precaution," King Mandus said, his tone firm. He reached into his robe and pulled out a thin sheaf of parchment—the report on Evelyn's background. Detailed yet discreet, it was a regrettable intrusion into her privacy, but essential for Florabelle's security—or so he tried to convince himself.

Handing the report to Queen Althea, he watched as she accepted it with a bit of reluctance and curiosity. "This is everything we've learned about her," he explained, the weight of his decision clear in his voice.

As Queen Althea perused the report, detailing the solitary life of a girl with absent parents, her expression was one of contemplation. "The Vancourt lineage... it's been ages since they've been spoken of," she mused aloud.

King Mandus nodded, watching Althea's expression as she absorbed the information. "Yes, the Vancourts have remained largely inconspicuous, a minor noble family with little influence at court. Yet, as of recently, they have seemed to have disappeared entirely. No one is entirely sure of their current whereabouts."

"Perhaps a closer look is in order," Queen Althea mused, her gaze returning to the document in her hands.

Her attention was then captured by a new detail in the report. With a subtle shift in her posture, she leaned closer, flipping the page to reveal the king's next course of action—a maneuver that would further spy upon Evelyn as if she were an enemy of the state.

"This... is a significant measure," Queen Althea remarked, pausing as her fingertips lightly traced the edge of the parchment. The report outlined a discreet plan to replace the current principal of the Mystic Academy with someone loyal to the crown, a spy who would act in the royal family's interests.

King Mandus met her gaze, understanding the gravity of her concern. "It's a necessary measure," he explained, his tone firm yet seeking her approval, hinting at his own uncertainty. "With someone we trust at the helm of the academy, we can ensure Evelyn's safety and watch her development."

Queen Althea mulled over his words, her shock fading into a thoughtful frown as she weighed their dilemma. "I see your point, Mandus. It's a bold move, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I mean she's not an enemy, but we're treating her as if she's a potential threat."

"The goal is to prevent crafty aristocrats from exploiting her," King Mandus clarified, leaning closer, his voice softening. "We're not only protecting our realm but also Evelyn from those who might wish to use her abilities for their own ends. It's about balancing her freedom with our safety."

Pausing, he observed the flicker of contemplation in Queen Althea's eyes, a silent testament to the weight of their responsibilities.

She nodded, eyes briefly lost to the night sky, then back to the document, her resolve tinged with unease. "Carrying this burden... deciding how best to protect her, and us—it's not a task I ever envied."

Their conversation delved deeper into the implications of such a decision, weighing the ethical considerations against the pressing need for security and control. As they discussed, the shadows lengthened across the balcony, the night deepening around them, mirroring the shadowy nature of the choices before them.

In the end, Queen Althea nodded in agreement, her trust in King Mandus's judgment clear. "Let's proceed with caution," she concluded, her resolve firm. "And let's ensure that in our quest to protect Florabelle, we do not lose sight of the humanity that binds us all."

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