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Volume 1 Chapter 30 Robbery

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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Jing Yao has just put these things on the shelves, hoping that the supermarket will have a shelf reminder.

Many people are too cold to sleep, hoping that the supermarket's shelf notification will be their life-saving straw.

In just a short time, many orders appeared on Jingyao's side.

Jing Yao fell asleep after processing orders until three or four in the morning.

Jingyao slept until almost noon before getting up.

There was frost on the outside of the bedroom window.

Many people froze to death in the tent area due to the sudden drop in temperature.

They are all elderly and weak people.

The patrol team and property management personnel braved the low temperature to dispose of the bodies of these people.

Jing Yao opened the door of the house and felt a rush of cold air. The ground in the yard had already been frozen solid.

The weather is beautiful and auspicious. I sleep around the stove at night and play in the cold wind during the day.

"Miss, are we still going to get the black cake today?"

Jing Yao looked at the sky outside. Although it wasn't snowing, it was even colder without snow.

"Go, I'll just go."

Jing Yao went upstairs and put on three pairs of pants, two down jackets, a hat, scarf and gloves, leaving only her eyes exposed before going out.

Even if she is wrapped into a ball, the cold air outside can still make Jing Yao feel cold.

When passing by the tent area, Jing Yao keenly noticed that many tents were empty.

A cursory glance revealed that several families were huddled together in one tent in order to better huddle together for warmth.

It did get a lot warmer this way.

Many of these people also came out to receive food.

Because cold-proof supplies are limited, everyone in a tent gives all their cold-proof supplies to one person, and that person is asked to receive supplies from everyone in the tent.

When Jing Yao arrived at the distribution point, there were obviously not as many people queuing up as in the previous days.

Everyone stood there stamping their feet and kept urging the staff to hurry up.

"Hurry up! It's a waste of time!"

"Can you do it?"

The staff also wanted to hurry up, but the big pot they brought today was completely frozen as soon as it was taken away from the fire.

The little girl sharing the meal was so anxious that she couldn't even shovel the contents of the pot.

"Don't worry, the contents of this pot are frozen."

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