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Volume 1 Chapter 38 The Immortal Dance of the Li Family

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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Aunt Lin was about to go back to the house, but when she heard this, she turned around and started cursing through the door.

"You little bastard! You sell meat in front of my mother's house! @¥%#@%¥#%"

Jing Yao could hear how dirty Aunt Lin was scolding while sitting in the room.

In the video, Li Shishi was scolded so much that she didn't even have the strength to fight back.

I could only leave in despair.

Li Shishi left the area of ​​Villa No. 3 angrily.

"How about Shishi?"

When Feng Chunzhen saw her daughter coming down, she quickly went up to ask about the situation.

"She's already down, she must have been rejected again, bah! Useless thing!"

Li Shen spat fiercely at the mother and daughter.

"You can do it, why don't you come?!"

Since Li Shishi was released, she didn't know what kind of switch was turned on. Whenever her father said something, she would add a few words.

"How dare you talk back, you damn girl!"

Li Shen stepped forward and grabbed Li Shishi's ears.

"Let go of Shishi!"

Feng Chunzhen quickly stepped forward to start a fight.

Li Shishi pinched Li Shen's hand that was pulling her ear. When her daughter resisted Li Shen, she reached out and wanted to hit her.

Feng Chunzhen hugged Li Shen's arm, while Li Shishi lowered her head and bit Li Shen's hand hard.

"Ah! You damn girl!!"

Li Shishi exerted all her strength in this blow, and Li Shen let go immediately in pain.

Taking advantage of this moment, Feng Chunzhen took Li Shishi and ran away.

Li Shen waved his hands and looked at the two people running away.

He turned around and looked at Villa No. 3 before leaving angrily.

I originally thought that these rich people would need it, but I didn't expect that none of them would open the door.

It seems that we need to take a long-term approach.

Seeing that there was no movement outside the door for a long time, Aunt Lin gathered her emotions and entered the house.

Jingyao stood at the door to greet Aunt Lin and silently gave her a thumbs up.

"Miss, you are laughing. I learned all this from my mother-in-law in the countryside."

My mother-in-law is a shrewd, selfish and greedy person. Those words she used to scold me were the ones she used to criticize her, but now she just happened to take them out.

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