XCI. n o s t a l g i a

38 13 4

I have this old friend
Who's always been loyal
Makes my life bend
A myriad goyals

Always shows up
when I'm fine alone.
Suffocating me,
My throat under its throne

Always stays with me
At nights when are cold
My wretched support
When I have nothing to hold

This friend is with me forever
And it's been there in both ways
Killing me ever slowly
Hugging me on my good days

This friend is mutual
It's the one who never leaves
When all of them go
It's the one that's there for me

Waiting to devour
To enter my peace of mind
To consume my fragile heart
And be far from kind

Though I know sometimes it's good
But all that good is gone
So its only there to remind
Those times were before, long

This friend is my melancholy muse
And it's name is nostalgia
It burns when I look somewhat better
It's comes to me to revive a bruise

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