CII. S i l e n t d e s i r e s

36 8 5

The silent desire to look at my shelve
And know it's not empty
is eating me

The silent desire to pick up a book
and smell it again
oh lord! Just when?

The silent desire to fight for what I lost . . .
Won't happen though, without a heavy cost

The silent desire to voice myself
Is so inaudible
I'll just stare at my empty shelve


Heyyyy;) I'm sure most are confused here so let me explain
(Drum rolls please- )

This is about my bookshelve.
Due to some problems, I lost all my books (they were taken away) and as a book reader since a freaking toddler, my heart burns in hell everyday^^

I hope the poem was nice<3
Thank you for being here♡

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