Part Twelve: the Game

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    Walking in to the roar of school pride, it was a celebration like nothing I have ever seen. The entire student body was on its feet, taking every possible seat on the wooden bleachers and even spilling over onto the ground. They bounced and cheered and screamed with their whole being. Teachers lined the walls applauding as the cheer squad took to the center of the linoleum floor, dancing and flipping while the marching band twisted and stomped in unison. The song came to an abrupt end, the cheerleaders shook their pom-poms at the crowd. Somehow they managed to sound even louder.

    The principal stepped out from the sidelines and spoke into the microphone, "Gooood morning Redwood Falls high!"

    Another roar erupted from the sea from burgundy and white. Everyone dressed head to toe in the school colors. It was the first time the school around me really came into focus.

    "Everyone please help me in welcoming this year's varsity baseball team: the RFHS Dragons!" This is where the students really lost their collective minds.

    Fog rolled in as the heavy metal doors on the opposite side of the gym swung open. Members of the student council came running in, throwing red, white, and gold confetti in the air. Behind them, marching confidently, the senior baseball players entered the gym as if they were World Series champions.

    I clapped along as the team of tall boys enjoyed their adoration. They wore black jerseys with burgundy stripes and patches, fitted white pants, and matching red hats. I watched eagerly as they moved in close to the cheer squad, their coaches making the way down the line, shaking each players hand. The boy's playfully booed as one more team member walked in to the celebration. Anthony smiled at the scene, soaking in the praise, even while wearing the opposing team's colors. Everyone knew what a valuable player he was, despite being a year younger than the rest of the team.

    Seeing him charged me with electricity. I cheered a little bit louder, just for him. Through the noise, he managed to recognize my voice. Anthony stopped clapping and pointed at me, with a wink and a smile. A few of his team mates looked over at me, they leaned in quickly to ask him something. He nodded, smiling bigger. They turned back to me with a thumbs up, high-fiving Anthony.

    He continued watching me proudly. I was on top of the world.


    The minutes crept by like hours. Everyone was still charged from the pep rally; this was the most positive things have ever felt at school. For me, at least. I was aching for the day to end.

     Anthony left campus right after the celebration. He had drills to run with the Knights before the game. I think he said something about a nap, too.  The drama from this morning seemed long forgotten in the past to us both. I didn't have my phone to check in, but he seemed as confident and happy as ever.

    He had walked me to my class, kissing my forehead before he had to leave. His hands lingered in my hair, pressing his lips firmly against me. I felt Anthony smelling my coconut shampoo, he breathily deeply as if he wanted to inhale me. I wanted to let him.

    I sat at my desk, blissfully unaware of the lecture going on around me. Instead, I tilted my head lower to get a whiff of his cologne that had rubbed off on my shirt. My hair stood on end with excitement. The thought of him sent my nervous system into over drive. I wanted school to end, I wanted the game to end. I wanted to taste his lips one more time. I needed to be with him.

    For the first time, I was too happy to second guess any of my feelings. I held no doubts. Anxiety was nowhere to be found.


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