Part Twenty-Two: the Talk

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*CW: SA*

    I couldn't breathe. Not in or out, the air wouldn't move. Nothing covered my mouth, but the weight on top of me was suffocating.

    The hands that pawed their way across my middle were cold. Like a fly stuck in a web, this spider coiled me tightly into their trap. The weight on top of me got heavier. Each time I tried to look up at their face, it was swallowed by the surrounding darkness. A stark burning sensation rocketed around my body; my skin was on fire at the touch of the icy fingers.

    The weight was crushing me. I felt as though my arms were breaking beneath the beast that ravaged me.

    I threw my head back desperately to scream, no sound came out.

    Blinking away the tears, I looked back at the attacker. The faceless figure began to grow its features. Behind a toxic cloud, I could begin to see the eyes; red circles that oozed blood and anger.

    I pushed and pulled and kicked and faught but could not move. A hissing sound filled my ears as the shadows enveloped me...

    My eyes snapped open quickly. My heart ricocheted around the inside of my chest as the room around me came into focus. A pale yellow light from the morning sun spilled into Anthony's room. It was quiet and warm, I was safe. There were no shadows here.

    I exhaled a deep breath through my slightly dry lips. My head sunk back into Anthony's feathery white pillow. The smell of fresh cut grass wafted in through the windows, the soft cotton blankets were so cozy that I probably could have fallen back to sleep right there. I could feel the back of my brain buzzing with anxiety, maybe more sleep isn't the right call.

    Where is Anthony anyway?

    I looked around the empty room. The other half of the bed was left unmade. Nothing had been moving since the day before, but the sunlight seemed to lighten everything, even his dirty laundry. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Just then, I heard a gentle thump on the other side of his door.

I watched the knob struggle to twist downwards before the wooden door slowly swung open. On the other side of the frame, Anthony stood hunched over. His face was scrunched as he braced his body to move quietly. He balanced a large square plate on his forearm and two large plastic cups in each hand. Stepping into the threshold, Anthony kicked the door shut behind him as he kept his eyes focused on what he was holding.

His eyes rose up to meet mine, "Oh, you're up!"
    "Mhm," I nodded with a grin. "Whatcha doing?"

    He giggled to himself, setting down the plate beside me. The eggs were very yellow, and a bit runny, but scrambled nonetheless. Two perfectly brown and buttered triangles of toast were stacked close to the eggs and a few slices of a juicy green apple. Anthony handed me one of the cups, filled with fresh orange juice.

    "Breakfast in bed?!" I smiled widely at him. Instinctively, I covered my mouth with my hands in an attempt to protect this beautiful man from any possible morning breath.

    "I thought you'd be hungry," he sat on the edge of the bed, taking a drink from his obnoxiously tall cup of milk.

    "What is with you and milk?" I teased.

    Still taking a drink, Anthony bent his other arm to flex his large bicep. I laughed, understanding the message.

    "Don't judge me," he said with a sarcastic grin, wiping his lips with a crumpled up napkin, "I broke a couple bones growing up, and milk makes them stronger! Now eat, so you can grow up big and strong too."

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