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Destiny Taylor

It's been a week since I gave birth .And life with lil man has been great he sleeps amazing he doesn't really fuss and he's just perfect .

"He looks so cute in his lil bassinet " I say snapping a picture

"Most definitely posting this on my spam" I say thinking to myself

"I know right he looks so small in there " Mari says

"I can't believe we made this " I say gently kissing dmari forehead

Dmari smiles " awww I really think he can hear us and what we be saying "I say

"He definitely can because he be smiling and laughing at what we be saying " he says

"He over here looking like his momma "

Mari grabs him outta the bassinet " mannn you looking handsome "

I laugh

"And you look amazing too ma " he says giving me a kiss

" I just can't wait till these 6weeks are over I tell you boy " he says which makes me laugh

"Me either sexyyy and my body looks and feels amazing " I say looking into the mirror

"Don't we have a one week check up for dmari " he asks

"Yepp the appointment is at 2 "

"Well it's 1 so we should start getting him ready for his appointment"

"Yeah can you start him a bath while I pick him out some clothes for him "

He hands me lil man" okay ma I gotchu "

"Hii lil man " I say kissing his lil nose

"Ouuu let's grab you this"I say grabbing a grey onesies and pants and some blue socks

"You finna look fye man" I say

Dmari smiles "you hear momma " I say laughing

20 mins later

"Are you sure the water is not too hot " Mari says touching the water because dmari is whining

"He is fine baby he's just not used to it " I say as I wash under his neck softly

"Okay ma well ima start getting ready " he says walking out lil man's room

I take him out his bath and I wrap him up in his little towel and I put him on the changing table carefully and I put his diaper on before he gets the chance to pee on me.I lotion him up  so he won't be dry and I put the onesies over his head softly .

He starts to cry

"Ima sorry lil man but I gotta get you dressed " I say as i put his pants and socks on

"Maybe I need to put you on some mittens " I say going to grab some

"You better stay still "I say laughing and putting the mittens on him

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