Chapter 9

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His gaze softened, and he asked, "Are you okay, Y/N?" I scoffed; I despised that question, resenting whenever someone asked me if I was okay.I scoffed, a bitter response fueled by the frustration of being asked that question repeatedly.



"What do you mean by that? Can't you see I'm fucking dying every single day? Even breathing every second is so fucking hard for me!" I snapped in a mixture of frustration and despair.

Yoongi gazed into my eyes, reading the exhaustion and turmoil within. He rose from his seat, moving to the one next to me, and gently took hold of my hand, looking at me with a soft expression.

"Y/N, I know it's tough for you. Life can be overwhelmingly difficult, and it's okay to feel this way. But you're not alone. I'm here for you," he said, his voice filled with a comforting tone.

I sighed, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me. "It's just... everything feels so messed up. I don't know how to deal with it anymore," I admitted, my voice breaking as the weight of my struggles pressed on me.

Yoongi continued to hold my hand, offering a supportive squeeze. "I can't promise to fix everything, but I can listen, support you, and help you find a way to cope. You're not alone in this, Y/N," he reassured me.

I wiped away the tears that had escaped and nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Oppa," I whispered, appreciating the genuine care he was extending.

He smiled softly, "We'll get through this together." And in that moment, amidst the struggles, I found solace in the unexpected support of my brother.

"Princess, whenever you're feeling distressed, make sure to come to me," he said, and I found an unexpected comfort in those words.

I silently nodded, still grappling with the idea of being called 'princess' by him. Trusting someone with my vulnerabilities was a daunting thought, but his genuine care was a flicker of light in my otherwise dark world.

Yoongi gave me a reassuring smile, and I managed a small one in return. It was a fragile beginning, but perhaps, in time, I could find the strength to confide in him and let him be a support in my struggles. For now, I was grateful for the unexpected comfort he offered.

Yoongi asked, "So, did you eat during lunch? Because you hadn't done breakfast." I replied, "I only had banana milk and some crackers during lunch."

He looked amused, "Banana milk? Don't tell me you're also obsessed with banana milk?" Confused, I asked, "I love banana milk, but is there any problem? And what do you mean by 'also' ?"

Yoongi fake gasped and then said with a smile, "Well, you know Jungkook is also obsessed with banana milk, and he doesn't control himself when it comes to banana milk."

I said, "Really? I never expected that." He nodded and said, "Well, let's have lunch together as you didn't have anything proper." He stood up, took my school bag, and held my hand as we left his office together and went to the parking area. I sat in the front seat beside him, and he placed my bag in the back.

As he started the car, he asked with a smile, "So, princess, where should we go?" I replied, "I don't know, you tell." Yoongi suggested, "Well, let's go to a restaurant then. There's one that recently opened, and it has amazing food. You know, my manager kept blabbering about it all day," he laughed. I responded, "Oh, let's go there then," in a low voice.

The ride was silent, and I kept staring outside the window, feeling a lingering emptiness. I sighed and leaned back on the seat, stealing glances at Yoongi. His serious demeanor concealed a kind nature that was not immediately evident.

He caught me staring and said with his characteristic gummy smile, "What are you looking at, princess?" I replied without much expression, "Nothing, I was just thinking that you have a serious face, like no one would even think that you also smile."

Yoongi chuckled and said, "Oh yeah, it's kinda true though. But who cares, 'cause I don't," and he laughed. However, he got embarrassed and added, "Wasn't this funny? Well, I thought it was," with a reddened face. I deadpanned, "This was such a lame joke, oppa," while internally laughing at his embarrassment.

He then admitted, "I guess I shouldn't have tried. I'm really not a joke guy, though." I responded, "I felt that," and he asked, "Was it really that bad?" I affirmed, "Yeah, you kinda suck, so don't ever try to make one again."

He nodded and focused on driving. I couldn't control myself any longer and giggled, "You look so funny right now, oppa." He smiled, glad that I found a moment of joy.


We arrived at the restaurant, and Yoongi opened the car door for me. We entered inside the restaurant and the aroma of various dishes filled the air.

We were seated, and I noticed that Yoongi seemed more relaxed now. As we perused the menu, he asked, "Anything specific you'd like?" I replied, "Surprise me." He smirked, "Alright, let's see what the chef recommends."

Throughout the meal, we engaged in light conversation, sharing thoughts about the food and some random stories. I started to appreciate the effort Yoongi put into making the atmosphere more comfortable. It felt strangely reassuring, as if a connection was slowly forming between us.

After we finished eating, Yoongi paid the bill, and we headed back to the car. The ride back was quiet, but the silence felt comfortable.

We then reached back to the mansion. I stepped out of the car, while Yoongi followed suit, holding my bag. We entered the mansion together, and in the living room, I found Namjoon and Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at me and remarked, "Lil sis, I guess you were supposed to be in school?" I rolled my eyes and retorted, "Weren't you supposed to be at university?" He annoyingly replied, "My last lecture had finished at 12 pm. Mind explaining yourself?" I mockingly said, "I was on lunch with my brother, and he comes first before school." Silently, I made my way to my room after taking my school bag from Yoongi.


As Y/N and Suga entered the mansion, Taehyung and Namjoon, who were seated in the living room, were taken aback. Taehyung, looking a bit mad and shocked, questioned Y/N, "Lil sis, weren't you supposed to be in school?" Rolling her eyes, she retorted, "Weren't you supposed to be at the university?"

Annoyed, Taehyung asked, "My last lecture finished at 12 pm. Mind explaining yourself?" Y/N mockingly replied, "I was on lunch with my brother, and he comes first before school." With that, she silently headed to her room. Yoongi chuckled and smiled, taking a seat in the living room.

Taehyung's eyes widened in shock as he looked at Yoongi, questioning, "Hyung, what does she mean? There's no way you had lunch with her!" Yoongi, nonchalantly leaning back on the couch, replied, "Yeah, it's true. So what? She's my little sister, and siblings spend time together."

Namjoon chimed in, "That's so nice of you. Well, I'm also planning to take her out as well." Taehyung bitterly chuckled, saying, "Hyung, are you both serious? Whatever, I'm going to my room," and left for his room.

Yoongi turned to Namjoon, suggesting, "Hyung, you should inform Jimin that Y/N is home, so he doesn't needs to look for her at school." Namjoon nodded and messaged Jimin, receiving an 'ok' in response.

Yoongi sighed, expressing his concern, "Hyung, you know I'm worried for Y/N." Namjoon, equally concerned, replied, "The feeling is mutual, Yoongi. You know she reminds me of Hyunbin." Yoongi looked at him, sharing the same worry,

"Hyung, that's exactly what I felt. I don't want the past to repeat," he sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Namjoon reassured him, "Don't worry, Yoongi. Even though we couldn't save him but this time we will save Y/N no matter what," patting Yoongi's back to provide comfort and assurance.

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