Chapter 20

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Namjoon expressed his pride, "I'm so proud of you, princess." Yoongi, surprised, exclaimed, "No way." Seokjin regretted for not knowing it earlier and said, "Princess, you should've told us before. I would've gotten you a gift." Hoseok joked, "Looks like we got an another genius in the family." They all giggled and smiled, and I couldn't help but smile too, saying, "Thanks, oppas."

Despite the comfort of the moment, deep down, I knew that the turmoil in my mind wouldn't simply vanish. The tranquility I felt with my brothers was just a temporary reprieve from the storm brewing within me.



After lunch, I retreated to my room and checked my phone, finding messages from Seojun.


Suicidal partner:
Hey Y/N
Looks like dad got another girl to fuck

Suicidal partner:Hey Y/NLooks like dad got another girl to fuck

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Lol So what you gonna do?

Suicidal partner:
Obviously will wear headphones to prevent myself from listening the moans

Lol , well you can come to my place if you want to ?

Suicidal partner:
Ahan inviting me on your bed 😝

You know what go and fuck that girl with your dad

Suicidal partner:
Lol ok sorry. Send me the address I'll come

XXX Btw I also got 7 stepbrothers but they are chill so no issues

Suicidal partner:
What the fuck ? 7??

Lol yeah anyways I'm waiting bye

Suicidal partner:
Bye see ya

I then placed my phone on the bed and made my way downstairs. In the living room, Jungkook and Taehyung were engrossed in a game of GTA, while Jimin observed them from the couch. Seokjin was busy on his laptop, discussing something with Namjoon.

Yoongi and Hoseok were in the kitchen, preparing coffee. Summoning my courage, I sat beside Seokjin and hesitantly addressed him. "Um, Oppa?" I began. He turned to me, curious. "Yes, Princess?" he replied. Taking a deep breath, I continued, "You won't be mad at me, right?" Namjoon jokingly interjected, "You need money?" I shook my head and explained, "No, it's just that my friend is coming over. Is that alright?"

Suddenly, Taehyung and Jungkook paused their game and looked at me with concern. Jungkook questioned, "Why is he coming here?" Jimin chimed in, "I told you, he's probably trying to take advantage of her."

I clarified, "No, Oppa, it's just..." Pausing to collect my thoughts, I continued, "Actually, his dad brought a girl home, and now they're both making out. I thought he might be uncomfortable, so I invited him here."

Yoongi emerged from the kitchen with Hoseok and commended, "You did the right thing, Princess." Namjoon added, "Yes, it's a good opportunity for us to get to know him as well." Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jungkook remained focused on their game, appearing somewhat displeased. Jimin cautioned, "Just don't let him take advantage of you."

Grateful for their support, I smiled and expressed my gratitude, "Thank you so much, everyone." I then moved to sit beside Jimin, embracing him in a side hug. "Thank you for agreeing, Oppa," I whispered, to which he replied with a warm smile, "Anything for you, princess."


I heard the main door open and watched as Seojun entered. I approached him with a small smile and greeted, "You're here." Returning the smile, he replied, "Hey," and pulled me into a hug before breaking it.

I could sense Seojun's nervousness around my brothers, who were seated in the living room awaiting his arrival. Whispering to him, I offered, "Good luck." Together, we made our way to the living room.

Seojun introduced himself with a nervous tone, "Hi, hyungs. I'm Seojun." Namjoon warmly welcomed him, saying, "Hey, Seojun, sit with us," as Seojun took a seat beside Yoongi.

Jungkook chimed in, mocking, "So your dad always brings a girl home?" Seojun seemed uncomfortable, and I quickly interjected, "Oppa," giving Jungkook a glare to stop.

He apologized, "Okay, sorry." Taehyung then asked Seojun, "So, Seojun, why did you become friends with Y/N?" Seojun looked at me and replied, "She's nice, and I really like her personality and her dedication to studying." Taehyung nodded in understanding.

Hoseok added, "I agree. Our princess is smart, kind, and hardworking." Seojun seemed puzzled and asked, "Princess?" Seokjin chuckled and explained, "We just call her princess." Seojun nodded, but I felt a bit embarrassed because I never intended for him to find out about my nickname.

"I'm taking him to my room," I announced, gesturing for Seojun to stand up, and we headed to my room. I sat on the bed while he glanced around, commenting, "Your room is very simple and clean." I thanked him, and he settled on the bean bag beside the window. "Um, so what should we do?" I asked, laying on the bed.

Seojun smirked and leaned on the bean bag, teasing, "Let's do sex." I threw a pillow at him, saying, "Oh, shut up, please." He apologized, "I'm just joking, sorry. Um, we could study, I guess?" I stared at him, surprised, "Are you serious?"

He nervously chuckled, "What? Don't look at me like that." I suggested, "Let's just watch a movie or something?" Seojun agreed, "Yeah, that sounds fun."

I turned on the TV and asked, "So, what movie?" Seojun suggested, "Um, 'Your Voice' or maybe '5 Centimeters Per Second'?" I rolled my eyes and replied, "Fine, we'll watch both." I threw some snacks at him, teasing, "Your snacks, stupid." He whined, "What's with that behavior?" and we both laughed.

We watched 'Your Voice'  first, then '5 Centimeters Per Second'. By around 8 pm, we had finished both movies. "Not gonna lie, both movies were great," I commented. Seojun agreed, saying, "I know; my taste is awesome. I guess I should get going." I offered, "Um, one of my brothers can drop you home?" He nodded, and we left my room.

In the living room, Seokjin was still discussing things with Namjoon, who was on his laptop. I addressed Seokjin, saying, "Um, oppa? Can you drop him home?" Namjoon offered, "I'll drop him then." He stood up, smiled, and said, "Let's go, Seojun." I hugged Seojun, then released him and said, "Bye, Seojun."

He replied, "Bye, see you tomorrow, and also stay alive at least till tomorrow." I nervously chuckled and replied, "Yeah, you too."

With that, he left with Namjoon. I then told Seokjin, "I won't eat dinner; I had snacks." He nodded in understanding. After that, I went back to my room.


Introduction of Seojun:

• Is 17 years old
• A nerd (kinda hot too :) )
• His mom died after one month of giving birth to him
• His dad always hooks up with girls although he's a CEO of 3rd biggest company in South Korea
• Is suicidal
• Has insomnia

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