Chapter 10. The Growing Shadow

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What did I do, he asks...if only I knew! At a guess, knowing would worsen the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I pressed one hand to it, and the other—to my neck. Warm, sticky wetness coated my palm. I didn't realize how much the minor cut had bled.

"Too late for hiding it, Zoe," Cruz said softly, sitting up. "I already fed on your blood."

Three vampires and one little me, with a bleeding neck. Suddenly, the crypt appeared even smaller than before, and the portal—even brighter. Beyond it was Eternal Acres, the place specializing in vampires...and more vampires...but at least they seemed friendlier than Freida.

"Okay, okay...I made a horrible mistake, but at least you're awake. Let's go, Cruz. Anything is better than staying here!"

Cruz glanced at the epic battle happening under the mausoleum's dome and sat up straighter in his coffin. "Did Freida cut you with her dagger?"

There was so much concern in his brown eyes, I didn't scream at him we should run, now. Actually, fear stole my voice completely, and I just pointed at the knife on my belt. This dagger?

"She cut you with her dagger. And you kept it. Somehow. Oh, Zoe!" Cruz's hands clenched the side of the coffin so hard, the polished wood cracked in his hands. "I am sorry, but I need to, rather I have to...ah, you'll bleed out without my help, Okay? The blade's enchanted to keep the blood from clotting, until the vampire's ah...saliva m-mixes with it."

No wonder I was woozy!

And now, thanks to Cruz's explanation, I grew so scared on top of it, my teeth rattled. By all rights, I should have run away from a vampire who offered to close a bleeding wound, but this was Cruz! Maintaining our eye contact was the only thing that allowed me to keep my nerve. His eyes were warmer than anything in the world.

I leaned closer to him—sitting in a coffin—gosh!

"Do it. I t-trust you." I actually did, because he looked even more terrified than I felt, and we both stuttered so badly, we could barely get the words out. Also, what was the alternative? To die slowly?

"Okay." Cruz's head bowed over my neck. "I think, I remember how to—" he whispered.

I didn't feel his breath, when I should have had. I shivered and covered it with an awkward chuckle. "Doesn't have to be perfect, right?"

"Ah...actually, it has to," he argued, timidly. "Hold still?"

The touch of his lips and tongue registered on my skin with a slight chill of peppermint. The blood flow stemmed and the brain fog cleared immediately.

"Wow! You're like a cappuccino first thing in the morning."

"Don't...please!" Cruz pleaded in a strained voice. His shoulders rounded and stiffened, every muscle in his back bulging with a titanic effort. I still couldn't see or hear him breathe, but if he could, his chest would heave now. Freida's inked symbols lit up hungrily all along his spine. "Please, don't say things like that."

"Drink her up!" Freida thundered, circling high under the dome. "Drink her up!"

I crouched instinctively, expecting her to fall upon me like a hawk.

"Resist!" Bartolome hollered, engaging his foe.

"Feast!" Freida yelled over the voice of reason. "I allow it!"

Cruz froze, paralyzed by the opposing commands, all except his hands. They raked the polished mahogany and bronze handles. Wood creaked, broke, and sawdust spilled onto my shoes. I didn't think he knew that the top of his head bumped my chin.

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