Chapter 16. The Tenth Life

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"This looks even less like a vampire place than the Eternal Acres," I said once Cruz finally let the Porsche slow down to below the speed of light. We drove toward the windswept, inviting stretch of the Gulf Coast. Trees were sparse, gravel beds displayed more boulders driftwood compositions than flowers, and the buildings sported more glass than concrete. Basically, it was designed for maximum exposure to the sunshine.

Cruz frowned. "This has to be it."

Then he adjusted his oversized sunglasses and turned his attention to the buzzer at the gates. Compared to the Acres, the Restorative Nine Lives Center took their security far more seriously. It was probably because their guests weren't vampires, just feeders.

"Hi, I'm Dan Smith. We have an appointment with the admission services."

We argued about this name, but Cruz insisted rich people called themselves something basic when they went incognito. He certainly looked the part, even though in the harsh light of the day, it was more obvious that his skin was starting to lose its natural tan. I was going to miss it, but the paler appearance worked great for our cover story that he needed rehab.

The next part of our plan that we agreed on beforehand had to come into effect once we parked. The Nine Lives was noticeably more popular with the visitors than the Acres, so Cruz had to circle the parking lot to find a deserted corner. Then he cut off the engine and straightened in the driver's seat, his hands clenching the steering wheel. For a vampire, it was the equivalent of taking deep breaths before taking a plunge.

"Come on, let's do it," I said, even though shivers crawled down my spine. "I already said yes."

"Trust me, if I could think of any other way...don't look, okay? And don't unbuckle the seatbelt."

I nodded, and stared out of the window, as he moved hair and silk scarf out of the way. I braced for the prickle of his teeth, but still cried out as they punched through my skin. My chest rose and fell fast a few times, then the fiery sensation ran up my veins from the bite.

My Prince suckled, and I was happy to feed happy, I cried out again when Cruz withdrew and gripped the steering wheel again. Here, the wisdom of keeping the seat belt became apparent, because its tug brought me back to my senses when I leapt for Cruz, forgetting the restraint was there.

"Whoa," I whispered, falling back into the seat and rolling my head back. "Whoa."

"I needed your blood to do the persuasion magic," Cruz said, his head bent low, fighting to hide his fangs. "I told you it will be like that. We'll...get used to it...I hope."

I sighed, straightened my scarf to hide the bite mark, and climbed out of the car. The salty breeze from the sea cleared my head by the time Cruz joined me. My chest lightened as I sensed the lessening of his hunger, but he still seemed troubled.

"And I hope your magic works better on staff here than on my dad," I quipped and threaded my arm through his. I was supposed to be his concerned girlfriend, so I didn't have to skimp on the PDAs.

"Unfortunately, you can't know until you try. Your dad is a rough nut to crack." Cruz grinned sheepishly. "It's impossible to make someone go against their nature with compulsion without damaging their mental health. So, if Freida left the staff alone..."

He trailed off, and I shuddered in the sunshine, because Freida cast such a long shadow.


The woman who met us had a cheerful and efficient look, softened by compassion. She was aptly named Amber, and had no troubles giving off the impression that showing us around the complex was the highlight of her day.

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