chapter 19

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As the two girls approached Chloe's car, Beca stopped and stared at it. It looked familiar, but so much did nowadays that she chose to ignore it. What had made her stop was the indescribable happiness that she felt from looking at it. And she had no idea why. Again, she felt the memories swimming, but again, just out of reach. She didn't realise that she had been staring with a smile on her lips until Chloe turned around.

"Beca, are you alright? Why are you smiling?" Beca wasn't oblivious to the hopefulness in her voice. The small brunette realised that Chloe really wanted her to remember. So who was she to her?

Beca shook her head and smiled at the other girl. She slowly approached the car, favouring her leg, something that didn't go unnoticed by Chloe.

"Are you sure that you don't want to go straight to the hospital? They'll have your meds..." Beca did actually consider it for a second, but then realised that she didn't want this time with the redhead to be over just yet. Just the two of them. She knew that back at the hospital she would be monitored constantly.

"Nah, I'll last. I just really want some food." Chloe smiled at Beca's words. Well, some things never change, the redhead thought. Beca had always put her stomach before most things, except of course, her music. What Beca dint say, however, was that she wanted Chloe to eat something as well. Although she didn't remember this girl, she was sure that her clothes shouldn't have hung loosely on her frame.

Beca slowly got in the car, taking care not to knock her leg and hurt herself further. When she had finally managed that and had put her seatbelt on, she turned to smile at Chloe. The redhead had been watching patiently as Beca struggled. She knew not to offer the younger girl any help because, after her outburst earlier, she knew that Beca needed to feel like she could do things herself, without assistance. Maybe that was why she had agreed to take her for some food rather than taking her straight back to the hospital.

Chloe had considered texting Aubrey to let her know that she had found Beca, but then she would have to explain that she was going for lunch with the injured girl. She hated to keep her best-friend in the dark, but it was for the best. Chloe realised that she would have to take Beca to somewhere quite far away from town. She couldn't risk any questions.

Chloe had been so engrossed within her own thoughts that she hadn't realised how silent Beca was being. There was something about being in a car that terrified Beca. She assumed that it must be from the crash, but she didn't remember that. Had the trauma been too much? She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. But what she saw caused her to jolt violently. When her eyes had closed, she had seen a truck coming towards her. But now there was nothing. They were the only ones on this road. Beca hadn't even realised that Chloe had pulled over and was looking at her worried. Beca closed her eyes again. The memory terrified her, but it was the only one that she was getting. Again, she saw the truck coming towards her. She was in the back of a car. She jolted again as she remembered the truck hitting her side of the car. She could almost smell the fumes.

She was pulled from her memory by a frantic voice.

"Beca! Beca can you hear me?" Beca's eyes snapped open and she turned to look into the bright blue eyes of the girl next to her. Those eyes were wide with fear. Those eyes made Beca feel weak all over, but not in the way that her injuries made her feel weak. She knew that in her past, this girl meant a lot to her, and she was determined to find out why.

"Beca?" Chloe raised a hand to Beca's face, gently pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "What happened?"

It took a moment before the small brunette was able to speak again.

"The crash. I was in the back of a car when a truck hit... it just came to me" she said almost apologetically.

Chloe took Beca's face in both of her hands, being careful not to hurt the bruises or cuts that now littered her face. "Look at me Beca. I don't know what to say. I lost my best-friend when that truck hit you. Please, whatever you can remember, tell me, and I will try and fill in the gaps. Never feel bad about this. It wasn't your fault. It was-" Chloe choked back a sob, retracting her hands quickly and turning to look out of the window. It was her fault. She was the reason Beca had to take that cab.

She felt Beca take hold of her hand. That small gesture meant the world to her. Beca had never been one to initiate contact so even when this Beca did it, Chloe heart leapt.

"It wasn't your fault." She said quietly. Chloe's head snapped to meet the dark blue eyes of the girl she loved. But she didn't know what she was talking about. She opened her mouth to speak, but Beca got there first. "You could say all that you want about why you think it is your fault but deep down, I know it wasn't. There is something about you. Something that makes me want to remember. I feel of everyone, it would be you who could help me the most." Beca fell silent, embarrassed by her confession. She let go of Chloe's hand and stared ahead, not aware of the look of awe that had replaced the guilt on Chloe's face. She didn't see the glaze of unshed tears. She didn't see the love that couldn't be hidden within those bright blue eyes.

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