chapter 24

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Beca was happy. Throughout the week, Chloe had been by her side as much as possible, only leaving for classes. She had a bag that she had left in Beca's room so that she could change into clean clothes without having to leave the brunette. And she wasn't the only one who visited Beca now. Aubrey often came by and Beca sensed that the blonde was trying to make up for something, but she wasn't entirely sure what. The other Bellas visited too. Beca found herself loving it when they came round, always making her laugh, especially one girl called Fat Amy.

But, occasionally she found herself alone. It was these moments that Beca had organised the doctors to change her dressings and assess her, not wanting to remind the others of her condition. She knew that she was getting better. Breathing hurt less as her ribcage healed, her headaches were less frequent and her arm now ached dully, no longer bothering her the way it had been.

It was a week since Beca's escape and Chloe sat quietly in the corner of her room, reading a book for her class. Chloe had actually benefited slightly from spending so much time with Beca in the hospital, although she would never admit it. The doctors and nurses allowed her to look over Beca's charts so that she could understand how to read them, with Beca's permission of course.



"You're staring. Again."

"What are you thinking about?"

Chloe looked up at the intense gaze that the brunette was giving her. She often caught Beca looking at her like this and each time it gave her goosebumps along her body. There was something in this gaze that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"I'm reading."

"What about?"


"What're nodes?"

"Vocal nodules. They are when vocal cords rub together at above average rate without proper lubrication. They-"

"-sit on your windpipes and crush your dreams."

"Finishing each other's sentences are we now?" Chloe was getting used to Beca remembering random bits and pieces and blurting it out.

Beca blushed. "Why are you reading about that?"

Chloe hesitated. "I have nodes." Admitting it twice didn't make it any easier.

"Chlo, I'm so sorry. I know how much you love to sing. What are you going to do?"

Chloe sighed. Beca always knew what to say. "I'm getting them removed now that we are out of the competition. I should be able to continue singing, but I may lose some of my range..." she swallowed hard. Beca saw that she was getting upset and decided to change the topic.

"I thought you had class today?"

"It was cancelled. The professor was sick." A different look crossed Beca's features. It was almost as if she was disappointed about this. "Is there something wrong?"

Nerves started to wrack Beca's body and she heard her heart pick up from the heart rate monitor next to her. No point lying now. She didn't want to keep anything from the redhead anyway. "It's just that I get my dressings changed and assessed when no one else is around," she said meekly. "I don't want anyone else to relive this." She said the last part so quietly that Chloe had to strain to hear her. And when she did, all she wanted to do was to grab the small brunette and hold her. Even now, Beca was looking out for her.

Chloe smiled gently. "Beca, you don't have to go through that alone, but if it makes you feel better I can wait outside."

Beca visibly relaxed and Chloe's smile brightened. "Um, thank you. For understanding. But I was actually wondering something. Would there be something in my dorm room that I could do here cause I'm bored so..." Chloe laughed. Of course Beca would be bored. That girl could never sit still and Chloe was surprised that she had made it this far already.

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