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DARKER BLUE EYES GLARING, daggers into the blonde that casually walked through her bright pink room without a care in the world, Zora clenched her fist and just stood, her smaller frame deep into the bushes. It was almost like she was camouflaging because she was also wearing all black, and she was blending in. That definitely wasn't unintentional either though because she had a reason as to why she was at the blondes home in the first place. She wanted her to recognize that she was the one for Y/N, even if she saw her as a threat as well.

It didn't matter to the darker haired teen because in the end it would be her and Y/N against everybody else. Or that's what she continued telling herself in her head over and over again, still not realizing that most of the thoughts she thought about her and the other woman were just delusions and other stuff that would probably never happen.

Zora confidently stood up and glanced down at the large rock that was bigger than the palm of her hand, her eyes still scanning over the piece of paper that was placed on it, and before she knew it, she was pulling her arm back with a heated expression over her face.

The throw into the window was harsh, and it caused a ruckus as well. It was loud, and it made Natalie flinch and duck in fear. When she noticed that nothing else was coming from her window, her breaths got even heavier, and her blood ran cold throughout her entire body. She didn't know what to do. She was home alone and she didn't want to make herself an easy target to whoever it was that was outside of her home.

Quickly crawling onto the ground for her phone that calmly sat at the edge of her bed, Natalie yanked it and switched her device on, and just as she was about to call absolutely anyone for help, there was another sound of her glass shattering, but this was the moment she realized that there was a loud thud that came after that.

Natalie paused, her eyes landing onto the two rocks that landed on her rugs. Tilting her head to the side with some of her immense fear simmering down, she pursed her lips in confusion before squinting, wondering if she was seeing any of this right.

She recognized that there was paper taped to the rocks, so she hesitantly crawled over to them, her fingers reaching out to one of the rocks before she picked it up, and flipped it over. Her eyes scanned over the words for a split second before a cold shiver ran down her spine, and her eyebrows raised against her forehead.

"Y/N is mine you fucking slut. Leave her alone." Is what it read, and that was enough to make her panic internally. She was in so much shock that all she could do was allow her jaw to drop until she turned to the second rock that wasn't too far from where she was crumpled up to.

Hand darting out for the other rock, that's when Natalie picked up that one, her eyes only getting even bigger at the next words she processed.

She didn't know what she was supposed to do, so she just panicked some more, her chest lowering and rising with each deep and long breath she took. The note read, "If I find out you were anywhere near her I will kill you in the worst way you can ever imagine."

By now, Natalie was really feeling over the edge, and not in a good way. She wanted to know who it was that was throwing rocks into her home, threatening her with their little messages, but that was only the curious side of her. The other side was terrified, and it was causing her to shake while many thoughts went through her head.

Shakily looking above her window, she didn't notice a thing. There was only the sound of the wind that blew through her ears, somehow making the whole situation even more frightening and intense.

Her lips trembled as she felt a single tear of fear dripping down her cheek, and the next thing she did was bury her face down against her arm while she started breathing heavily once again, low wails erupting from her throat as she did so. She gripped on her phone, but she felt like she was trapped. Like she couldn't tell a soul about this.

Now she knew she was in a real predicament, and she had to find out who it was that did this, but she was just so worried about her own worry that Zora didn't even cross her mind.

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