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Author's pov :

In the realm of online relationships, where connections are forged through screens and pixels, Y/N found herself navigating uncharted territory. The bond she shared with Azan was still in its infancy, a delicate thread woven through the vast expanse of cyberspace. Yet, despite its youth, the emotions it stirred within her were powerful and all-encompassing.

Their relationship had blossomed in the digital landscape, where words became their currency of affection and virtual gestures served as tokens of devotion. Every message exchanged, every shared moment felt like a treasure, a testament to the depth of their connection.

But the illusion of bliss came crashing down when Y/N stumbled upon the intimate chats between Azan and his online confidante, Zeena. The words on the screen pierced her heart like arrows, leaving behind a trail of doubt and betrayal. How could Azan share such intimacy with another woman, especially in the infancy of their relationship?

For Y/N, the pain cut deeper than she could have imagined. The distance between them felt more pronounced, the screen that once bridged the gap now a barrier separating their hearts. The virtual world that had once felt like a sanctuary now seemed like a prison, trapping her in a web of uncertainty and despair.

Two months may have seemed like a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things, but for Y/N, it was enough to etch Azan's presence into the fabric of her being. She had opened her heart to him, bared her soul in the virtual expanse of their shared conversations. To discover that he had shared those intimate moments with someone else left her feeling lost and alone.

In the silence of her virtual sanctuary, Y/N wrestled with her emotions, each keystroke a battle against the tide of heartache. She questioned the authenticity of their connection, the sincerity of Azan's affections. Was their love nothing more than a fleeting fantasy, a mirage in the digital desert?

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged – a flicker of forgiveness. Y/N realized that love, even in the digital realm, was not without its complexities. It was messy, imperfect, but oh so worth fighting for. She couldn't deny the depth of her feelings for Azan, the way his words still resonated within her heart.

And so, with a resolve born from love and determination, Y/N reached out to Azan, extending an olive branch of reconciliation across the digital divide. Their journey was fraught with uncertainty, each message a testament to their commitment to rebuilding what had been broken.

Through tears and virtual embraces, they navigated the labyrinth of forgiveness, laying bare their fears and insecurities. Azan expressed remorse for his actions, his words a balm to Y/N's wounded heart. They spoke of trust, of rebuilding the foundation of their fledgling relationship, one keystroke at a time.

In the digital silence that followed, Y/N found solace in Azan's virtual embrace, their love a beacon of hope in a world fraught with shadows. They knew that their journey was far from over, but with each passing message, they reaffirmed their commitment to each other, knowing that love, even in the virtual realm, would always prevail.

Y/N pov :

I can't without him that's why I forgave him I don't if I can cope with his bff anymore I'll now keep and eye on his social media although he declined giving me his password I'll try to fetch something else......


See you soon Butterflies

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