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Johnnies pov:

Yesterday me and Jake went out, in favor of me hitting 4 million subscribers on YouTube.

It was super duper nice at first, I mean, what better then going out with your best friend to get some Thai food.

I've never had Thai and I don't think I'll ever have it again.

Cause when we came back home my stomach was killing me.

I didn't know what it was at first, I thought maybe I just over ate but nope.

I've got food poisoning, jake called the restaurant asking questions like a pissed of Karen and he found out the one of the ingredients they used was out of date.

I told him it was fine and that it could be worse but he insistes on taking care of me cause "he was the one who got  me sick cause, he was the one who took me out"

He's so sweet to me and it's crazy, but honestly he doesn't have to take care of me, cause really it isn't his fault at all.

But now he's sat here in my room feeding me chicken noodle soup even though i told him I was fine and I wasn't hungry so he didn't need to feed me even though I felt like shit.

"No Johnnie, this is my fault, just take little bites" Jake said he's eyes pleading at me like a lost dog with the spoon in his hand.

"Mmmmmm dude I'm not hunngryyyy" I say, my voice dead from coughing so much.

"You haven't eaten since you last vomited, you don't have any food in your stomach and I want you to attempt to eat something" Jake said reassuring me.

I sat up slowly and rested my back against the head board, then looking at Jake with tired eyes.

His eye brows were knitted together in a worried look, with his lips in a thin line hoping I'd change my mind.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth not saying anything.

His face relaxed into a proud smile, bringing the spoon to my mouth.

I gulped up the soup on the spoon, savoring the flavor.

"Mmm" I hummed out at how good it tasted.

"See! It's good, I know you don't feel good but you need to have something before you attempt to get out of bed, okay?" He said scooping up some more soup into the spoon.

I coughed slightly and nodded my head.

"Yeah I know" I say, voice raspy

"Good, good, open up" He said moving the spoon to my face.

I decided to joke around and said,

"It all started back in 2013" I say laughing at my own joke.

"Oh my fucking god, shut your mouth" He said laughing with me bringing the spoon to my mouth.

I sourced up the soup and I already felt so so full.

"Jake, if I eat anymore I'm gonna throw up on you" I said rubbing my eyes with my hands.

"That's okay, at least you had a little, good job" He said smiling reassuringly

I blushed a little.

Jake was so unreasonably sweet.

I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

I thank the universe every day for letting me cross paths with him.

"Oh no, you look red, are you okay?" He said setting the soup on the bedside table and placing a hand under my bangs on my forehead.

"You're not that warm" He said placing his hand on my cheek.

Then I guess it hit him cause he turned a light shade of pink.

"You're adorable" He said in a whisper.

I roll my eyes smiling at him.

"Thank you"

"Dont thank me forever stating facts" He said taking his hand away smiling.

"You're so dumb" I say laughing a little bit.

"I'll have you know I'm very smart" He said in a southern accent.

I giggled at him, he's such a loser and I love him so much.



Do i?

I mean I love him as a friend.

But more?

I haven't really consider it.

"What's on your mind?" He said back in his normal voice.

"Just thinkin" I say looking away trying to avoid his gaze.

"About?" He said placing a hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb on it.

"About how much of a dork you are" I say smirking at my own remark

"Oh wow, you were thinking of me?" He said completely ignoring the insult I threw at him.

"Don't turn this into something it's not" I say looking back at him with a 'your so dumb but I love you' look.

"I'm not, I can read you like a book" He said leaving in and kissing the top of my head.

"I'm gonna go to the 7/11 around the block to pick up some sprite and some medicine, I'll be back, if you need me, call me okay?" He said standing up.

"W-wha.... Jake. You- okay. Whatever" I say blushing and looking away.

"We can talk about it when I get back, right now your health is so much more important than feelings" He said giving me a reassuring smile, grabbing my hand and bringing it up as he leaned down giving my hand a little sweet peck before letting go and ruffling my hair.

I place my hands on my face covering it in embarrassment.

"Okay whatever I hope you get hit by a car" I say flipping down in my side still covering my face.

"Pfft, wowwww thanks Johnnie  I think that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me" He said headed tothe door.

"Good.... Uhm... Jake?" I say sitting up again looking at him, he stops in his tracks and turns and looks at me.

"Hmm?" He said smiling slightly.

"Be safe" I said blushing.

"I will, don't worry" He said walking out of my room closing the door.

Sigh, I'm so happy I met him.

I smile to myself.

1020 words.

I love writing fluff:)

Also, lmk if you like this chapter, it's a little different from what I normally write.

Love y'all


Jake Webber X Johnnie Guilbert Smut And FluffWhere stories live. Discover now