Mahito 💜

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Luna looked at school building with narrowed eyes, a gut wrenching feeling bubbling in her belly the longer she stared at it. The negativity in surroundings was suffocating, goosebumps rising on her body as she took a deep breath.

She awakens her sharingan, looking for the curse when she felt an enormous cursed energy, locking it's place. She quickly ran inside, when she felt two more energies near the first one.

She furrowed her brows in confusion, feeling a strangely familiar presence in them. She quickly walked the staircase before a shocking scene met her eyes.
Before her she saw a familiar pinkette talking with a black haired boy, who looked around their age. She could also spot jellyfish like creatures beside him floating in air. Looks like they're a part of his cursed technique.

Both the boys looked like they were arguing. Behind him was a blue haired man with heterochromia eyes, stitches adorning his grey skin. He's the same as sensei described that curse. Luna thought looking at Mahito with weary eyes.

His cursed energy was no joke. He may seem harmless but looks can be deceiving. Moreover she should be extra conscious of his technique. Her eyes then looked towards her kohai, a small smile pricked on her pouty lips as her glare softened.

Yuji, you're alive. Thank goodness. She thought happily, blinking back the tears when suddenly she felt a shiver running down her spine the moment she saw a wicked grin on Mahito's face. She didn't liked the feeling and the closeness of him standing with that black haired boy.

Mahito's grin broadened. "You know, Junpei, you've got a good head on your shoulders. But sometimes, deliberation can lead to worse foolishness than imprudence. You're a stereotypical case of that!" He leered down at the boy who was crying. "You're almost as foolish as those people you call fools yourself. That's why you'll die."

Luna and Yuji watched as Junpei's skin started to bubble and turn blue. He became swollen so fast, his body morphing into a different being entirely. His head blew out first, followed by the rest of his body as his clothes fell into a useless heap.

Junpei was turned into some disfigured creature right before their eyes.

Mahito let out a gleeful laugh, as Junpei ran at Yuji, aiming to punch him. But yuji grabbed him, letting him punch the wall behind him.

Junpei battered against him, trying to break free in his hold.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Yuji begged,"I'll heal you right now, okay?!"

Junpei continued to beat his fists against the hard surface, his wide eye zeroing in on the pinkette.

"Sukuna!" Yuji shouted. "SUKUNA!"

A blood red eye and a row of sharp teeth appeared at his cheeks. "What?" Sukuna said, sounding amused.

"I'll do anything! You can do anything you want with me! So heal Junpei like you did with me when you restored my heart!" He cried out in anguish.

"I refuse!" Sukuna laughed. "How amusing! You'd offer up your pride, your future, your everything, to try and rely on me... And you can't save anything! Pathetic! You couldn't be more pathetic, brat!"

He laughed even harder, and Mahito joined him. The hallway was full of the sinister sound, grating on Luna's ears. She could feel tears sting her eyes at the frozen and numb look on Yuji's face and the monstrous one of Junpei's.

Tears cascades her face as she witnessed the cruelity before her, her heart aching as she looked away when she saw tears rolling down Junpei's face, looking at yuji with frightened eyes. She covered her ears as the shrilling laughter cuts through her heart.

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