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Who the hell are you?

Why... why do you do this?

What gives you the authority,

To treat your family,

Your own flesh and blood,

The way that you do?

I can see,

I can clearly see,

The wound you carry,

A being who has lived their life,

Without a care in the world.

Carried by your father's shield,

A safety net,

For all your downfalls,

All your transgressions,

Like an invasive vine,

Who has sapped all life,

From what brought You life.

That lifeline you so held on to,

Is soon coming to an end.

In your desperation,

You refuse everything,

You turned your back on family,

You fought those,

Who stood beside you in life,

You brought on pointless arguments,

And incessant fights.

All in desperation,

All in insecurity,

All your own doing,

I am fed up.

But As life would so have it,

Distance is a sublime ally for me,


Not everyone shares the same bliss,

Those who still lie in your crosshairs,

Feel your incoherent stings of frustration,

The reflections,

The rippling effects of your past mistakes,

Your envy for those,

That even if plagued with imperfection,

At some point turned in a right direction

Towards correction,

Towards enlightenment,


You missed that turn,

Ages ago,

And now you strive to trip,

To hurt anyone close to you,

Out of spite.

Only because you destroyed your own chances,

At a happy life.

You destroyed something good,

And now you wish to destroy everything else around you.

I feel pity,

Because in you lies great talent,

Great love potential,

A mind worth exploring,

A talent worth revealing,

And yet,

As many things in this world,

And out of it,

For reasons still out of our understanding,

You shall remain unexplored,

Forever lost as a reminder,

Of pain and regret,

Of what could have been.

I feel sorry for you,

But my heart aches even more,

For those still caught,

In your crosshairs.

I pray that they find the way out,

Of your webs of deceit and pain,

So that they may live,

A restored and happy life,

As one should.

Leave... just leave...


And take your failures elsewhere.

You failed at life,

You disbanded the ties that united our family,

And soon,

You shall walk alone.

This is the last time I address you,

Or your existence,

At least until you come to your senses,

Oh, accursed pitiful soul.

Begone from my family's side,

I await patiently,

For the time,

When you shall not poison your surroundings,



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