A reality check

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Every life has a north,

A diverging spiral,

Split into paths,

That by divine guidance of nature,

Push man into the lane he eventually is to forego.

As most men,

I believed to understand,

Those around me...

How arrogant am I...

If man is truly to be described accurately,

It is to be selfish by nature,

Egotistical in fact,

We are brought into the world with an illusion,

We are made to be the center of it all,

The very fact of our innate obliviousness,

A product of our lack of understanding for each other,

The fact that upon birth,

Our paths diverge instantly,

That in itself is an amazement worth mentioning.

And as we grow,

We become aware,

Aware of the sheer size of the world,

The inexplicable inner workings of life,

Become overwhelming,

As such,

They push and pull,

Like gravity,

Into the lane we belong in.

One day,

I fell through the cracks,

Of human imperfection,

I strove to criticize a human soul,

As it manifested,

Pursuing their true north.

They manifested their emotions,

On a wider scale than most,

But nevertheless,

True to what their life was.

I for one failed to see,

An essential,

A fundamental piece that united us,

We both followed our true norths.

What saddens me the most,

Was the fact that nature itself,

Kept me from understanding this,

On my own.


Life surrounded me,

With kind souls,

Who steered me in the right direction of reasoning.

Since that day,

I tried to the best of my abilities,

To be mindful of those around me,

To understand that everyone has a north,

They must manifest,

According to nature and life.

A reality check of sorts,

Coming from who you would least expect,

Was knocking at my window,

And I decided to let it in.

In order to grow.

I do wonder at times,

What will it be,

Of those lacking,

A north to follow?

Those who have no guiding lights,

In the night

Is their spirit still in search of their north?

Or do they stand still under the rain,

Hoping light might come to them,

As if by magic.


With every second,

Every moment,

Worlds around me incessantly walk,

And I can only wonder where their story leads.

A reality check,

A true north,

Blissful empathy,

A guiding light,

Love thy neighbor,

For you just do not know,

Where nature points.

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