~Chapter Five: Hunger~ Sin's P.O.V.

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I’m not sure what came over me, but I suddenly had this overwhelming hunger. It felt as if my brain was throbbing, screaming at me to just devour the closest thing near me. The scent of the princess’ blood became so strong that it was like it was right in front of me. I hate myself… I thought, as I walked towards her. She was busy talking to someone on the other side of the door, but she looked delicious. I tried to fight my urges, but my body kept walking closer to her. It wasn’t until I was right behind her, almost a few inches away from her, before I could stop myself from biting her. I’m not sure why I don’t want to bite her right now, but I really just don’t want to hurt her.
She turns around, and I shut my mouth and swallow the saliva that was formed thinking of her blood in my mouth. “I- I’m sorry, I have to go…” I say, and walk shamefully out on her balcony. She attempts to stop me from leaving, but I know that wouldn’t be a good decision. My skin stretches and I feel my bones shift inside me. It’s a bit painful at first, though you get used to it after a while. The bones in my arms spread apart and skin goes in-between them, forming wings to take flight with. The sleeves of my white undershirt and black overcoat were torn to shreds because of my transformation, but I didn’t mind.
I can’t go back to my coven for the night, so I’ll have to take shelter elsewhere. But first, I need something to hold me over, otherwise my body will switch to something like an autopilot and I won’t be in control of my actions. I have to hurry before the sun comes up as well…
The hunger was getting worse, and I still haven’t found anything. I’m feeling faint and I’m sweating. I feel like puking but there isn’t anything in my stomach to puke up other than acids. I’m tired, and hungry, but there hasn't been anything this way for a really long time.
I blacked out, and by the time I gained consciousness it was already too late. Both of my hands were elbow deep in a pig’s insides. My mouth was stained in blood, and meaty chunks were both in my mouth and all over my face. I swallowed a mouth full of the raw, juicy meat, and began sobbing, hating myself every minute that I enjoyed it. At least it’s not human, I thought, as I continued to sob. I blink away my tears, and see a wide bloody trail from me dragging it from a nearby farm. I didn’t know there was even a farm here, but I guess it came to my rescue this time.
It’s raining, but I’m tired, and sore, and I just want to go to bed. I didn’t make it very far from the farm, so I have to make it look like an animal attack. I dig my fingernails into the sow’s flesh, and claw it up, making the scene very messy. I also stab my fingers into its neck multiple times, making a large “bite mark” on it. I wipe my face off the best I can with my tattered sleeves, and stand up. I sigh, and run away from the farm, turning left and right occasionally, until I’m about three miles deep in the woods. There’s a small abandoned cave ahead, and I go inside. I then collapse onto the ground, and cry myself to sleep.
The air was thick and damp in the den, but it was nice to just be able to rest. My eyelids shut, and I am carried away by my dreams.

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