Chapter 1 Before the Beginning

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Miriam held onto her husband as she pushed with all her strength, she could hear the nurses speaking words of encouragement, the midwife urging her to keep on pushing, and her husband, whispering into her ear, saying that he loved her, saying that she could do it, holding her hand as tight as she was holding his.

This had to go through, she'd lost a child once, she wouldn't let it happen again, her fingers clutched the sheets tight and screamed in agony as she gave one final push.

Then there was the crying, the most beautiful sound Miriam had ever heard in her life, the sound of new life being brought into the world, she breathed heavily and chuckled in between gasps of air, she'd done it, she'd given birth, she had a child, she smiled, still breathing heavily as Logan kissed her on her cheek and whispered into her hair.

"He's heard Mira, he's finally here," Logan said.

She smiled again and watched as the nurse brought their baby wrapped in a bundle of soft white cloth.

The nurse came forward and handed the bundle to Miriam, she felt love and care blossom within her heart as she took the baby in her arms, he was so small, so precious, his skin was like caramel, as brown as his father's and smooth to touch as Miriam brushed her hand against her baby's cheek.

"He's a special one," said the nurse with a smile on her face. "Quite a birthmark he's got there"

Miriam looked up from her baby at the nurse.

"Birthmark where?" asked Logan.

"Right there on his chest" replied the nurse still smiling.

Miriam looked at her husband and their eyes met.

They were thinking the same thing.

But could it be?

Miriam noticed the nurse looking at them strangely and smiled at her to dispel any suspicion, then she gently opened up her baby's bundle, just enough to look at his chest area, she gasped as she saw the mark on her son's chest, it was the image of a blazing sun, with three stars stationed at a point, pure black against his deeply brown skin, Miriam felt her heart race as she set her eyes on the boy's mark, they didn't, they couldn't have.

"Ma'am, is there something wrong?" asked the nurse.

Miriam didn't answer, she heard her husband reassuring the nurse as if from a distance, she gently pushed away the cloth covering her baby's head and looked at what lay underneath, the boy's head was bare save for some strands of hair that were undeniably silver, shining under the hospital light.

The baby was still crying, hands waving in the air and feet struggling inside the cloth.

Miriam heard herself whisper, "My baby, my sweet, beautiful, innocent baby, what have they done to you"

The baby stopped crying and opened his eyes, and Miriam gasped again, Logan was by her side in an instant and she saw his eyes widen in shock as they gazed at their baby, his eyes were blue, a light brilliant blue that made Miriam's heart sink with both love and worry.

But it's t didn't matter what they'd made him, it didn't matter that the years to come would be the most difficult years for this boy, he was still their baby, their beautiful boy.

"He's perfect" whispered Logan, his voice shaky with tears.

"Salome" said Miriam, the boy reached out his hand and touched Miriam's face and she smiled again.

"Salome Nightshade"


18 years later...

Sal clutched the bag tighter against his shoulders as he walked down the dark streets to the Hells and Hounds club late at night, he looked at his watch, Bobby would be there by now as usual, drinking a glass of Scotch with either a cute blonde on his lap or a brown Latina in his arms, he would have his gang with him, all seven of his closest members and two bodyguards standing in front of the VIP section he always stayed in from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am on Wednesdays and Fridays.

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