Chapter 7 Bloom

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As Sal emerged out of the forest he suddenly realized that he hadn't really noticed much of the Fey's beauty, the purple sky, the clean breeze, the grass that felt like padded foam through his boots, the amazing creatures that Sal never thought existed, butterflies with wings made of leaves and bees with bodies like jelly beans.

"I am assuming you've never been to the Fey" said Bloom.

Sal looked beside him to see that he had somehow ended up in front of the rest with Bloom.

She looked up at him with curious eyes, not missing a beat as they walked.

"Yes actually, this is my first time seeing such a beautiful and dangerous place" said Sal.

"Oh really?" said Bloom.

"Yes, though you are most beautiful among beauties and most dangerous among dangers fair one"

Bloom looked at him and quirked an eyebrow, smirking as she plucked a purple flower from the field.

"Impressive, you indeed talk as the Fey, though we do not lie" said Bloom.

"I speak no lie fair one, what would be the gain of speaking false truths"

"Oh please Salome" said Bloom, tossing the flower to the ground, it sank immediately and began to grow again.

"I am being sincere fair one, I speak no lie"

She gave him a knowing smile.

"I am sure there are others you consider just as beautiful and dangerous as me, if not more" said Bloom, she tilted her head in the direction of the twins who were deep in discussion behind them.

"I assure you I do not consider any of them in that way" said Sal.

"Are you certain Salome?, not even the girl?" said Bloom.

Sal looked back at Katarina before he answered, she was smiling at something Casmir had said, she looked up and their eyes met, she looked shocked for a brief second until the shock turned into a warm smile.

Sal heard Bloom chuckle beside him.

"The heart will always desire that which it may never have" said Bloom.

They reached the large expanse of water and stopped, a vast sea of crystal clear liquid.

Bloom waved her hand and a bridge of vines emerged from the ground and stretched out over the water.

"Besides", said Bloom, "you need not flatter me to get what you want, you simply request".

"Which may land me in the middle of a bargain if I'm not mistaken" Sal said.

Bloom smiled and winked.

"You're already in the middle of one, you just can't see it." she said.

Before Sal could say anything else, she was already on the bridge, her body sauntering with purpose.

"Well she seems nice" said Katarina as she fell into step beside him.

"Honestly she's not that bad" said Sal, the unfamiliar accent vanishing completely as they emerged on the bridge. "Sure she's kind of daring but she's okay"

"She seems to know a lot, doesn't she?" said Katarina.

Sal looked forward at Bloom's sauntering figure.

"Yeah, it's a little threatening" he said.

"I wonder where she's taking us"

"Probably a hotel", chimed Casmir, "or a nice warm brothel"

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