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Chahat's POVPresent

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Chahat's POV

I toss and turn in the bed waiting for him to come home. The pillow fort we keep between us on the mattress mocks me.

The most shameful part of being here on this bed is that after what happened today I should be angry and hurt because of the humiliation. But that's not the only feeling driving me into rage. As pathetic as it sounds, Harvey was right. I am jealous. I never even thought that he will love someone else. He was also right that I was his before I was anyone else's.

What brings me to the edge to bawl like a toddler is the realisation that being his doesn't make him mine.

If there is a heart in me, I feel it withering at the thought. Pushing the thought aside I let anger flow through me. Anger is better than sadness. Anger is better than hurt. Anger means I still have my dignity and honour. Anger means even when Harvey didn't fight for us, I will fight for myself.

I have been coward all my life. It's not a nice thing to be. I know that. But ask me what I am going to do right now. Come on ask me.

Tell you what, I am going to be angry and drive Harvey mad. Mad enough for him to care. Because he doesn't get to not look me in the eye and listen to me. He doesn't get to drop me like burning coal. Not after all these years. Not even when he has moved on. Not when he is my husband and has another woman in his heart.

I refuse to be the other woman. Not this time. I might not be the woman he loves. I am not the wife he wanted to marry. I am not the woman he wanted to bring in this home. I might be the woman he is forced to share this room and bed with. But I refuse to be the other woman till I am his wife.

I get up from the bed and storm into the walk in closet. I grab the suitcases that I brought with me and start packing stuff. I throw in most of the clothes not bothering with folding them. It takes less than ten minutes as I pull them from the hangers and pack the two suitcases.

I walk down in the kitchen and grab some garbage bags. There is no way only two suitcases would be enough for all that stuff. I barge in the bathroom and start with the toiletries. Then pack whatever I can find in the walk in closet and line the bags on a wall near the bedroom door. I grab a glass of water from the desk and my stomach growls from hunger.

I was so excited about the dinner that I didn't have a food since we had late brunch late in the morning. Funny thing the body keeps telling us when we act like a stupid person.

Before I could walk out of the room, Harvey enters and halts in the doorway.

"What's all this?" he asks motioning towards the piles of bags and suitcases by the door. I cross my arms on my chest and steel myself. Harvey's gaze roams over my arms before it meets mine again. I smile to stop myself from falling down from the stairs of sadness.

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