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I'd been avoiding Lewis.

Which has proven to be quite hard as we are living in the same house.

Lewis called the police two night ago and we still haven't received an update from them. Surely we will get one today. I hope it wasn't actually a break in and we can just go home.

"Lilah?" I hear a soft knock on the door and my body freezes.

I've been putting off this talk for as long as I can. Every time I think I'm ready to talk to him my body freezes. Which is what it's doing now.

"Come in." I say without realising as I raise my voice a little so he can hear me.

Please don't come in.

He opens the door slowly.

The first thing I notice is the nervous look on his face, which makes me feel a little better- glad I'm not the only one.

"Can I sit?" He gestures to the side of the bed that I'm not occupying and I hesitate but nod.

We sit in silence for what feels like forever, side by side- a great distance between us.

"I'm sorry." Is how he breaks the silence.

"You've said." I snap before sighing "Sorry." I mumble.

"Can you just explain why?" I whisper so my voice doesn't break.

I see him nod his head once in the corner of my eye.

"When we met I was shocked you didn't recognise me- sorry for how cocky that sounds." He lets out a little laugh.

"I panicked and lied about my last name Incase that made you recognise me- i didn't know you'd become such an important part of my life and-"

He takes a deep breath.

"Every moment with you was so perfect that I didn't want to risk them- risk losing you."

His words cut me deep. I can kind of understand, but him telling me sooner would've been better than any outcome of waiting- he has to know that.

I don't know what to say. He's completely shattered my trust.

"I didn't want to scare you away with my lifestyle so early, I wanted you to get to know me- for me."

"I want you to get to know me for me." He corrects himself to the present tense and it almost makes me smile.

"Please say something." He murmurs and I can hear the pain in his voice.

"I-" before i can say anything Lewis's phone starts ringing.

"It's the police." He says as he answers it quickly.

He answers and I tune the conversation out seeing as I can't understand what's being said with only Lewis's side of the conversation.

By the sound of Lewis's voice and his face when he hangs up I can tell it's not good news.

"It was confirmed to be a break in, there's no damage and they've fixed the door, if you want to go home I can get extra locks and-"

"Thank you, that's a good idea." I finally speak and he stays silent.

"I don't know what to say. I mean you really hurt me and you lied so much I just-" I cut myself off and take a shaky breath trying not to cry. I've always been a very emotionally sensitive person.

"Hey, hey- don't cry." He says softly and raises a hand to presumable wipe my tears but I flinch my head away slightly. He drops his hand.

"Lilah-" I cut him off.

Saviour ; Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now