Chapter 18

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It's the morning now. I awaken from my sleep, I rub my eyes trying to adjust to the brightness. Why the hell does my pillow feel so lumpy?

Oh.. it's not a pillow. It's Julian.

"Good morning, sleepy head." He says cheerfully.

"Morning." It's not a good morning, it never is because I am NOT a morning person. However, I do feel better, I don't feel ill anymore.

"Someone's grumpy." Julian teases. I simply roll my eyes at his teasing, too tired to deal with it. He then has a mischievous look on his face "Don't roll your eyes at your papa." He says.

At this i'm a little confused. He sees this and says "Yesterday you called me papa." I think back. No i- oh shit I did. Ughhh this is so embarrassing.

"Shut up" I say.

"Don't talk to papa like that" he teases further.

I get out of bed and I run out of his room to escape his teasing, like i said im not a morning person. As I'm running away he shouts "Don't be shy."

I ran into my room. After a long relaxing shower i walk over to my closet, ill always be amazed by its beauty. All the stuff we purchased yesterday is in here put away, this gigantic closet actually looks full. It's going to take me ages to pick an outfit. After a while I decided on sticking to a comfy vibe as im assuming we arent going anywhere today. I put on some grey joggers and a blue nike jumper.

Suddenly I'm tackled in a hug by someone.

"Hey baby sissss." Leo.

Ugh jeez why's everyone so annoying in the morning. "Get off of me Leo." I grumble.

He just hugs me tighter annoying twat. "Seriously get off, you're annoying." I complain.

"Sorry I can't resist you're just so cute." Leo says as he pinches my cheeks. I hit his hands away.

He now has a mischievous grin on his face, uhoh thats not a good thing. He suddenly throws me over his shoulder. Can't they leave alone for once. I yelp and kick my legs as i shout. " Put me down."

"No papa told me to get u for breakfast." He says as he begins walking towards the dining room.

"I don't think he meant this way." I yell angrily.

We get to the dining room and he places me in my seat, I huff and glare at him. Everyone else gives us questioning looks and laugh. It's not funny, I give them all a glare too. Odin then speaks up "Jeez you're so grumpy in the mornings, just like Eli." Eli also shoots him a glare.

Breakfast is finally served, the foods for breakfast never really change it's always bread fruits and pastries. Jasper places my usual in front of me, and I begin eating. "Don't forget it's school tomorrow guys, pack your bags." Julian announces. Ugh school. "Ahh and baby bat, come to my office after breakfast." uhoh am i in trouble? what'd I do this time I think to myself. "You aren't in trouble." He says. phew!!

I eat my breakfast and walk to the office with Julian, I once again find myself sitting in the chair in front of his desk. "Why are you so nervous? Have you done something you should be in trouble for?" he asks.

"I don't think so.." I reply a little nervously.

He reaches into the drawer under his desk and pulls out a large bag, he then hands it to me. I hold it unsure of what to do, he gestures with a nod for me to open it. I carefully open up the bag and I gasp at what I see.

The green and gold dress...he...bought it.

I look up at him speechlessly. "I can't take this it's too much" I say as i place the bag back on the desk.

He pushes it back towards me again and says. "It's yours, you must accept it." I shake my head.

" I cant its 100,000!!" i exclaim.

"I told you i'd buy the whole shopping centre if you wanted. Think of it as an apology gift." he says.

Honestly this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, tears form in my eyes. I take the dress out of the bag and examine it properly, it's beautiful. Julian then pulls out another big bag from under the desk. He does the same gesture telling me to open it. I look at him really confused, what else could it be?

I open up the bag and I see 7 Iphone 15s ..... what the hell. "What is this?" I ask

"Well you need a phone don't you? it's 2024." he says as if its the most normal thing ever.

"Yea sort of but either way I dont need 7????" I say still confused.

"I didn't know which colour you'd like so I just got one of each." He says simply. I look at him like he is insane.

"7??? So you bought the £100,000 dress and 7 iphones because you didnt know what colour id want!? Why didn't you just ask me which colour?" I ask flabbergasted.

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise, it's seriously nothing Elowynn, you're worth way more." He says.

The tears fill my eyes again and I do something i'd never expect myself to do. I place the stuff down and I run to the other side and hug him. He thinks im worth more than the hundreds of thousands of pounds he's spent.

I cry.

Jeez its like this house has a crying curse on it or something, thats all i seem to be doing here.

He hugs me back. "I'm sorry Elowynn" He suddenly says.

I can't say I forgive him yet maybe i never fully will but I do appreciate the efforts, no one has ever done anything like this for me before.

"Yesterday when you said papa, I know you were out of it but it made me really happy. Just know the day when you seriously mean to call me that will be one of the best days of my life." He says sincerely.

I think I subconsciously did mean to call him that, I mean he is the closest thing i've ever had to a father. I don't say anything I just enjoy the comfortable silence. I then walk over to the bag and look through the colours, of course I pick the green one, there's a theme going on. I open the box, omg its so pretty. Ive only ever had a crappy flip phone. I squeal with excitement "thank you! thank you!" I say excitedly. He just watches me with a grin. "All of our numbers are already on there." he says. "And no using it to text boys!" He says sternly.

"So I can't text you guys?" I ask with a cheeky look.

"You know what I mean, don't be a smart arse." He says.

"Seems like someone is jealous that im smarter." I tease.

He then holds his hand out, I look at it confused. "Phone."

"Hey, did you get me this just so you can talk it off of me if I do something wrong." I ask offended.

"No, but that is a bonus." He says proudly.

I hug the phone to me, he's not taking it after he hust gave it me. No way. He clicks his fingers and suddenly the phone appears in his hands. "Vampire powers." He says. Tch.

I give him an angry look, that's not fair.

"Give it back, you literally only just gave it me, I haven't even had a chance to use it yet!!" I complain.

He pretends to think and then says "hmm under one condition."

"that is?" I ask

"You come with me to go and get icecream later on" he says

Thats not even a bad deal.

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