Chapter 22

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"Oh! Hello, dear. Come in come in." A cheery elder blonde woman says to me. I can already tell she's probably going to be my favourite teacher.

"What is your name dear?" The woman asks.

"My name is Elowynn wa-........Reyes .... Elowynn Reyes." I say awkwardly , that's the first time i've addressed myself with that last name.

I see a spark of recognition light up on her face, she also looks quite nervous now that she knows of my title. I hate it. I mean I do see the benefits but overall it kinda sucks.

"Ah! Princess Elowynn it's a pleasure to have you in my form, I'm miss Tina. Nice to meet you." She says with a smile from ear to ear.

"Just Elowynn is fine, nice to meet you too miss Tina." I say back politely.

"Of course! Take a seat anywhere!" She says encouragingly.

I decide to go and sit right at the back of the class, the best spot of course.

I've been sat here for about 2 minutes and the class is getting fuller and fuller by the second. Two familiar figures suddenly enter the room, the teacher greets them and tells them to find a seat. They do, and as they are walking we make eye contact.

Isla and Mason. I grin widely at them and they do so in return. They walk to the back of the class and take the two spare seats next to me, Isla being directly next to me and Mason being next to Isla.

"Elowynn! What a coincidence." Isla says happily. She hugs me. Jeez I didn't know we were at a hugging stage already. I hug back out of politeness.

"I can't believe you guys are here too, I was super nervous about not knowing anyone." I say truthfully.

"Us too, i'm so glad we're in the same form, it must be fate." Isla says giddily.

"This uniform is horrible don't you think?" I ask the twins trying to start up a conversation.

"Oh absolutely, we hate it." Mason replies.

We all laugh at our similar opinions on the horrendous uniform.

"Listen up class!" Miss Tina says loudly trying to get all of our attention.

"Happy to see you all getting along but the lesson has officially started, Since today is the first day I will basically just be doing a lot of explaining about how everything will work. If we have any spare time I will let you guys speak amongst yourselves as I'm sure you all want to make friends." Miss Tina explains.

"So, the curriculum is quite different here in the vampire realm. We don't learn maths, english and etcetera instead you will learn things you will actually need. You will partake in these classes; Vampire language, Vampire nutrition, Vampire magic, Vampire etiquette (since this is the top school), Vampire survival skills and 3 extra curricular subjects of your choice. Later I will hand you a table to fill out and decide which ones you want to take. You will also have form every morning, which is what you're in now, where i'll check in with all of you and I will make announcements, if you have any problems you come to me, i'm basically your school mother." she jokes.

She goes in to a lot of detail about each subject, I won't bore you. Basically Vampire language is self explanatory, Vampire nutrition is about blood intake ect, Vampire magic is where they learn how to control their powers, Vampire ettiequte is basically PR training lol, and Vampire survival skills is also self explanatory.

She talked for about 45 minutes and finally she says we can have the last 15 minutes to speak amongst ourselves.

Isla turns to me "Let's compare timetables, guys" she says to me and Mason, we both pull out our timetables and place them next to Isla's. I have language and form with both Isla and Mason, nutrition with just Isla, magic with just Mason and etiquette and survival skills on my own. There are also gaps for the extra curriculars we are yet to choose.

The twins and I continue talking about random things, I can tell we're going to be good friends and I'm glad i'm not here alone.

"Oh by the way why did you guys look so scared when ju-....uh my ... dad came to get me back at the shops." I ask. I realised it'd be easier for people to know who i'm talking about if i addressed Julian as my dad.

"Your dad is the vampire king, everyone is scared of him!!" Isla says as if it's obvious.

"I'm not scared of him, he's nothing to be scared of." I reply trying to reassure them.

Miss Tina then hands everyone a table to choose our extra curricular subjects, the list is long there is pretty much everything. I finally decide on dance, music and art. I'm a very creative person if you couldn't tell.

"So, what'd you pick, Elle?" Isla says giddily. "Oh I hope you don't mind the nickname it's just your name is quite a mouthful, wait not in a bad way or anything ahaha a delicious mouthful" She adds.

I laugh at her silliness "Don't worry I don't mind, Is (pronounced I). I chose dance, music and art." I reply with a smile.

"Dang we all picked completely different things, I chose robotics, cooking and history. Whereas Mason is a complete nerd and chose to do maths, english and science as extra curriculars. But hey they say opposites attract" Isla says as she wiggles her eyebrows. The bell then rings.

Isla POV
Mason and I were quite nervous about starting school, we planned to just stick together and keep to ourselves. Once we entered the classroom we saw a familiar face. The pretty girl from the shops, Elowynn.

Ever since that day i've been thinking about her, not uh... in a creepy way or anything...she's just super pretty. The fact we met again and now share so many classes makes me super happy, it must be fate.

Elowynn's POV
Turns out vampire school is long, we have 7 periods a day, which means we attend every lessons everyday. I have etiquette first, one of the only lessons that the twins aren't with me. Great.

"See you later, Elle" Isla says as they depart, Mason waves goodbye to me.

"See you guys!" I reply with a smile as i begin trying to figure out where my next class is. Surprisingly I actually find it 5 minutes later, just on time. Ugh now i'm for real alone.

I sigh.

This is going to be a long day.

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