Chapter 4

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After the sudden incident of being 'trapped' in Qing Yi's situation, I eventually stabilised myself - performing the calmest attitude I could ever act.  Do not panic, it will bring me nothing. At least that was what I thought before not being able to sleep all night due to severe overthinking of how my 'marriage' will happen tomorrow.

"Miss Cheng Zhou, we are very grateful that you were so kind-hearted to replace our daughter Qing Yi. To be honest, we didn't want this marriage either. We knew Qing Yi loves that physician so much, yet we don't have any choice. But now, miss... Thank you from the bottom of our heart."

I fidgeted with the small comb in my grasp once again. Am I a real superhero now, saving lives in this story? My lips puckers a sinister smirk, feeling proudly honoured with myself. I may hate this novel so much to my every inner cells but still, being the 'main character ' does not sound too awful though.

Lowering my gaze to the small hand mirror on the dressing table with various crafts of dragons, phoenix and myth stuffs - I let out a long sigh. How the hell... I still cannot believe I am actually an isekai-ed girl right now.

"Now, Miss Main Character. Ya' gonna meet the main factor why ya' hate this story. Ya' hate him, right? Better make him miserable as long as ya' can still have the chance to be here before figuring the way out from this wildest dream of yours." A monologue with myself sounds weird, in fact, I never once had any pep talk with my own body before. Either I would directly tell Serene or Zachary or my brother or store the issues in my smartphone.

Speaking of  this, my heart feel petrified. Gosh, I miss my phone so much. I am literally dying of boredom...

"Nothing happened still. Let's just follow this story along - treat it like an otome game. Ah, so troublesome desu!" Staring outside the window, a surreal view catches my eye. Small villages with tons of people doing different stuffs, which each I had witnessed before in dramas. Now that I am part of it, the feeling is surreal.

My wedding will occur this evening. Oh man, I am so nervous for nothing. I mean, it might be a 'fake' wedding but based on the crumbs of memories I could remember, the Crown Prince I am going to create bounds with is the villain of the story.

The maniac that caused Jialu Kingdom brought down to pieces. Killed Old Lady Gu and Old Man Gu because he failed to marry the main character, Qing Yi. Thus, destroyed the soul bone of the male lead, Dai Hua Xun. Crashed the human civilization, brought stealths to rule the world with excessive greediness.

"Ugh. That demon so terrifying."

Lucky enough, I did not finish the entire story because.. Well. I had enough of the plot. The vulnerability of the main character, the endless torture to the male lead, that was a plot that is a dime a dozen!

Alas, now I am the character of the story myself.

While I keep looking outside, the door slid open when a girl went in - probably a bit younger than me. Obviously, I am sinking deep in puzzlement.

"Hello, Miss Cheng Zhou. I am Xiao Ning, the maid that Madam Gu had occupied to help you getting ready." She talks formally, with a tray that has a red cloth folded neatly.

Cheng Zhou. The name of my favourite hero of my own novel. Luckily I crossed over this name when I was figuring out the most commendable name for myself.

"Well, um. Hi?" Stuttering for a while, a small chuckle escaped my lips. "Stop with the formality, it makes me..."


"It makes me kind of embarrassed. Ha, ha."

Xiao Ning only smiled and I was drawn to her gracefulness. Reminds me of Cheryl, the silent girl from economic class. Man, I miss my life as Andrea.

Pfft, the feeling dissipates when I remembered about my 32 pages of unfinished math homework.

"Miss, shall we begin to get you dressed?"

. . .

"Your hair colour is so pretty, miss..."

"You have extraordinary eyes, miss..."

"Miss, you are bestowed with such good and clean white skin..."

After some quick bath and hair rinses with tons of admiration from Xiao Ning - that made my nose flare slightly in pride- I could feel the lump in my throat getting more dense. Man, I am about to MARRY. What the hell is this...

"Um, hey- I... I don't think I can fit this- ergh.. Stuff.." Groans surpassed my lips as the short sized lady let out a frustrated sigh, with brows forming 'v' shape. I growl again, forcing the red gown to wrap my upper body yet the efforts resulted vain.

"Miss Qing Yi has a thinner body, thus.. The gown is actually measured with her height and size." The girl speaks, calmly analyzing my sweating face. Jiggling my fingers for a while, a displeased frown appeared on my expression.

Tch, ya' didn't just tell me that I am fat, did ya'?

"Now that's bad. We can do nothing about it, I suppose." Grinning awkwardly, I scratch the back of my head. The lady lurks a concerned look, momentarily biting her lower lip.

"I got an idea, Miss!" Throughout the small break of silence, suddenly the pupils of the girl shine. "We can ask for Old Lady Gu's wedding dress!"

Ayo, what the heck had I gotten myself into?

"Ha, it fits so perfectly! You're looking gorgeous, Ah Zhou! Beautiful!" Old Lady Gu exclaims, her smile spreading wide across her wrinkled face that was eaten by the time. Her husband who joined seconds later to release the same compliment, let out a smile despite the gap between his teeth. Gorgeous my ass. This dress is almost as old as the owner itself. Noticing my doubtful look, Old Lady Gu places a soft pat onto my back. Still, I did not feel any tinge of relief or comfortability. Hell nah, how would I? This dress is so heavy as the burdening thoughts in my brain itself!

But being called beautiful that sincerely, well it was worth the weight.

"Thank you!" The two phrases fly like rocket, fast. Eyeing the happy looks on the Old Couple Gu's faces, a broad pang of guilt rushed into me. I could end up being the main reason of their deaths if that princey ever discover the real truth behind all of this.. scheme. No, not really. This could not be considered as a scheme, it is a solution to avoid upcoming hardships.

Basically, a more grammatical form of escaping plan.

"Ah Zhou, whatever happens - please don't bring our daughter Qing Yi in this if His Majesty ever figured out the truth. Just tell him it was the Old Couple Gu's plans, hmm?" Old Lady Gu looks straight into my eyes as I noticed the wariness in her cracking voice. I nudge my head slowly, lips pressing against each other.

It is proven they really love their adopted child so much after all.

"I will not. Well, ha. We'll see." I nodded, forcing a sour smile. Sooner, Xiao Ning polite voice echoed through the silent room.

"Miss, your hair is done."

I could feel my stomach churns in a high pressure of discomfort - the feeling when you had to answer a question which you did not pay attention in the classroom.

There am I, with blonde hair tied in thousand knots I could not figure out how was it made but stunningly beautiful - red gowned, veil across the face - all ready for the marriage.

I can't still believe this is real.

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