Chapter 18: Suspects II

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The agents from the Paranormal United Nations, otherwise known as PUN, continued to arrest the men at Josie's underground gambling den

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The agents from the Paranormal United Nations, otherwise known as PUN, continued to arrest the men at Josie's underground gambling den. Rowena stared suspiciously at Hector.

"You've saved my life so many times and now it all makes sense. You're a lion shifter and you're a member of PUN. You're a secret copper!" Rowena accused. "No wonder you were able to infiltrate their crazy cult and save me. It was just another day of work for you."

"Why did you ask Rowena to spy for you at the nursing home if you have intel and equipment readily at your fingertip?" Liam asked. "PUN agents have access to the highest technology and other paranormal agents who have powers to get you the information you need."

Cross pulled Rowena into his side. "Because he needed an excuse to talk to Rowena."

"I don't need an excuse to talk to Rowena," Hector argued.

"That's true," Rowena agreed. "Even if he's a liar, he has saved me before and he's a relative of my boss, Rolando. Still, cops and I don't get along so I'm not sure how to feel about this."

"That's not true," Hector said, stepping closer to Rowena. "We get along. We're friends."

"Only because she didn't know you were a secret agent," Matt reminded him. "Friends don't lie to each other but you've done nothing but lie since you've met her."

"I had a good reason. You know I couldn't reveal I'm a lion shifter."

"True. Everyone knows the lioness runs the show amongst your species. I wouldn't be proud to be a lion either," Cross said, shaking his head.

Rowena shoved her elbow into her boyfriend's stomach.

"It was a joke," he protested. "You know I always give into you."

Hector scoffed. "That's why she's part vampire?"

"Must you bring that up?" Cross growled.

"Listen, I'm sorry I hid all of this information from you but I don't regret it. I've saved Rowena more times than anyone could imagine," Hector insisted. "Honestly, I think she should dump you and date me."

"That's enough," Rowena hissed. "What kind of weirdo novel am I living in? First, I'm a human, then I'm a witch, then my werewolf shifter boyfriend gets the vampire king to turn me into a vampire, and let's not forget the lion shifter with a secret identity who is absolutely obsessed with me to the point of stalking me to all the places I get in trouble. I swear if it didn't get me pretty girl discounts at the mechanic's my beauty would be a curse."

Matt frowned. "No one said you were beautiful."

"No one said I'm not," Rowena snapped.

"I think you're gorgeous," Cross whispered in her ear. "But what are pretty girl discounts?"

"Can we please focus," Hector said, stepping even closer. "Josie is going to be questioned but this doesn't solve the case of who killed Jasmine from the nursing home. Rowena's grandmother is still the number one suspect."

"You don't think Josie is behind Moises killing his mother?" Cross asked. "Why not?"

"Looking into all of Josie's past crimes, murder wasn't a consequence of her orders. Theft, yes. Murder, definitely not. We still haven't found Moises to confirm if he acted alone."

"Well, it could be anyone at the nursing home. Dr. Domé seems sketchy since he's sleeping with his boss. My Abuela's two friends are also suspicious."

"You think one of those old ladies killed Jasmine?" Matt asked in disbelief. "They're so frail."

Rowena shook her head. "Never underestimate an angry woman regardless of her size or strength, Matt. Otherwise, you'll find yourself dead in bed with no one to blame but yourself."

"True," Hector agreed. "There's also the owner and the nurse, Holly. Did you know she's also there for community service?"

"What did she do?" Rowena asked, thinking back to the pink-haired nurse.

"Assault. Apparently, she found out the guy she was seeing was cheating. She tried running him over with her car. The police couldn't prove it but she did admit to punching him so the assault charge stuck," Hector answered.

"Too many suspects," Liam said with a sigh.

Rowena's phone began ringing. She looked at the screen and answered the call.

"Rowena, you've got to come down to the police station right away!" Lorena, her cousin, demanded. "Bring your boyfriend and his handsome lawyer brother."

"Really? You needed to add the word handsome in there?" Rowena asked.

"This isn't a time to joke, Rowena! Donnie, my scumbag cheating ex, who should never have been made a detective, just arrest our abuela for murder!"

"This isn't a time to joke, Rowena! Donnie, my scumbag cheating ex, who should never have been made a detective, just arrest our abuela for murder!"

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