Chapter 23: Operation Poke a Bear

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"I don't think this is a good idea, Rowena," Jeremiah said, glancing at Holly, the pink-haired nurse at Happy Trails.

Matt, the pack's head enforcer, stood next to them. He'd been given the role of a family member to Rose, one of the deadly roses. Secretly, he was keeping an eye on Rowena for Cross.

Rowena shrugged. "This is Operation Poke a Bear. Or Operation PAB, if you like that better. Holly is supposed to have a temper problem. It's why she's here for community service."

"Really?" Matt asked. "That's your plan?"

Rowena nodded. "Yeah. I don't understand how some people can lose control like that."

Jeremiah nodded in agreement.

Matt stared at Rowena, his eyes wide. "Uhhh...aren't you here for the same reason?"

Rowena grimaced. "No, I'm here to solve a murder. There's a difference."

Matt frowned. "No, that's not what I--"

"Matt, are we really going to spend time talking about the past? We've got a murderer to catch."

"Right!" Jeremiah added. "I can't wait to add this to my resume. Murder Catcher. Is there a better title for that?"

"Private investigator sounds better," Rowena answered.

Matt smirked. "Right, it'll look perfect above your job as an escort."

Rowena poked his shoulder. "Don't job shame my friends."

Matt sighed and apologized to a laughing Jeremiah.

Matt shook his head. "I still don't think this is a good idea. If she is as crazy as you've described her, maybe upsetting her isn't the best course of action. Does Cross know about this plan?"

Jeremiah tugged at his orderly uniform. Rowena looked away.

"He doesn't?" Matt groaned.

"It's okay. I'm super strong and can fight like a tiger," Rowena said, her eyes on Holly.

"How do tigers fight?" Jeremiah asked.

Rowena tilted her head to one side, thinking it over. "I'm not sure, but they've got to fight better than bears. And Holly is our bear. The bear we are going to poke until she loses her temper and accidentally let's loose the fact that she killed Jasmine Brown and framed my abuela."

Jeremiah nodded. "That sounds like a perfect plan."

Matt sighed. "Yeah, it sounds like it'll work perfectly. Perfectly, if this were an episode of Scooby Doo."

"You are being such a downer, Matt." Rowena made the thumbs down sign.

"Total downer," Jeremiah agreed.

"I'm trying to keep you safe," Matt insisted. "Cross would be really upset if something happened to you."

Jeremiah looked to Matt suspiciously. "It's weird how much you care about another man's girlfriend. Are you in love with Rowena?"

Matt jerked back. "What?"

"Probably," Rowena sighed.

"I am not in love with you," Matt insisted. "Cross ordered me to look after her, so I am."

"He ordered you? That's weird." Jeremiah shook his head. "It's best to give up now. The girl is totally obsessed with your friend."

"I'm not in love with her!" Matt insisted.

Jeremiah gave him a pitying look before walking away.

Matt took a step forward. "I'm not! Cross is my--"

Rowena stepped in front of him with a smile. "Stop before you say something you shouldn't."

"I wasn't going to tell him Cross is my alpha," Matt insisted. "I couldn't even if I wanted to."

Rowena grinned. "He upset you and you almost told a secret you shouldn't have."

"I did not!"

"That's how Operation PAB works."

Rowena ignored a grumbling Matt and walked over to Holly. Jeremiah was already standing by her.

"Hi, Rowena. How are you holding up?" Holly asked as she organized some files by the main entrance's counter.

"I'm okay. It's sad my abuela is in jail, but she'll be free soon enough," Rowena answered. Rowena frowned as she looked at Holly's hands.

"Is something wrong?" Holly asked.

Rowena shook her head. "No, I was just wondering if your hands were the hands of a murderer."

Jeremiah coughed and looked away.

Behind her, Matt groaned in annoyance.

"Wh-what?" Holly asked, confused.

"I don't know if you know this, Holly. I come from a line of women with special powers and I'm pretty sure your hands are stained. Stained by your sins. The sins of evil."

Jeremiah coughed louder.

"Did you forget to take your meds?" Holly asked.

"Did you forget to wash your hands?" Rowena asked. "And when I say wash your hands, I mean go to confession. To confess your sins."

"You're being really weird, Rowena." Holly looked around as if she were looking for help.

"Jasmine was killed and her son is in jail right now. Did you know that?"

Holly's eyes widened. "What?"

"You knew Moises, didn't you?" Rowena asked, slamming her hand against the counter.

"You need to stop your nonsense before I get mad," Holly warned.

"You need to stop sinning," Rowena countered. "You dated Moises. He was the guy you assaulted and had to do community service for right? I know he's a wimp. I beat him up before."

Matt cursed behind her.

"You know Moises?" Holly asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Yeah. And he told me all about you, Holly. He said you were a bad kisser."

Holly's mouth fell open. "What?"

"He said you snored like a bear."

"You're lying."

"He called you hairy too," Rowena added.

"Shut your mouth!" Holly demanded. "Moises wouldn't say that. You're lying!"

"Is this actually working?" Matt muttered.

"Why should I?" Rowena shrugged.

Holly screamed and threw the stack of papers she was organizing at Rowena.

"Oh no! I might get a paper cut!" Rowena laughed, taking a step back. "So, you were Moises' ex-girlfriend?"

"Did you sleep with him too?" Holly growled. "It was bad enough Mo cheated on me with that skank. But you too? I'm going to kill you!"

Holly leaped toward Rowena who threw back her fist and smashed it into Holly's face. Holly went flying back, landing in Jeremiah's arms.

"She's unconscious," Jeremiah called out.

"I can't believe that worked," Matt admitted.

Rowena stared at her fist, shaking it loose. "Operation Poke a Bear actually worked."

"I wouldn't say that," Matt argued.

"It so did. Operation PAB works," Rowena huffed.

Matt shook his head, staring at Holly. "I meant the name doesn't  fit. Instead of Operation Poke a Bear, you should call it Operation Punch a Bear."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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