Mi Casa es Su Casa

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(takes place after 'you are my sunshine')

"And, there."

Catnap whispers to himself, as he gently places the last folded blanket into a box, closing it.

"You got all the blankets boxed up?" Dogday said as he walked over.

Catnap nodded. 'Yup. Just gotta tape it.' He signed with a smile.

Ever since he and Day had gotten engaged, they had decided to move in together to 'get a head start on married life' as Day put it.

At first they were confused about which one was gonna move in with who, cause they both liked their houses and didn't really know what to do with the soon-to-be empty one.

Eventually they decided Dogday should move into Catnap's house, and soon they'd work together with the other critters to turn his old house into the 'Smiling club clubhouse.'

The 'Smiling club' was an idea suggested by Kickin at their last game night. Since they were all friends and always spent time together, why not make the smiling critters into an official club? They did already have club necklaces.

And since all of them always hung out at Dogday's house anyway, the two of them thought it'd be good to make it into the club's official hangout spot since Day wasn't gonna live there anymore, but they could still all have fun there.

And everyone agreed that was a good idea.

"Good!" Day says, smiling.
He goes to give Nap a kiss on the cheek. "You're doing great, honey."

Nap blushes and giggles. 'Thank you angel.'

Day then looks around. "Have we got everything from this room?"

Nap looks around as well.
They'd boxed up everything except for the stripped down mattress and bed frame, which they didn't need since they were gonna share the bed in Nap's place.

He nods to Day. 'Yep, all your stuff is boxed up.'

Day then looks a bit sad. "I'm gonna miss this place..." he said solemnly.

Nap gently puts an arm around his shoulders. 'Well it's not like you're never gonna come here again.'

Day smiles softly. "I know, but..."
He sighs sadly. "It's just... we have so many memories in this place, you know?"

Nap hugs him gently, kissing his cheek. "I know." He whispers. "And I bet we're gonna make a lot more once we get this place turned into the ultimate hangout spot."

Day smiles. "Yeah, you're right." He says, nuzzling his shoulder.

Nap smiles gently, pulling back. "Now, should we get the rest of your stuff packed up?"

Day nods. "Yeah, let's get back to work."

Nap smiles. "Okay."

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